* Posts by Patrice

15 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Mar 2008

Wanted: Big iron geeks to help restore IBM 360 mainframe rescued from defunct German factory by other big iron geeks


And CuriousMarc also has expertise

And CuriousMarc also has expertise in the domain. Check out his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3bosUr3WlKYm4sBaLs-Adw

They are currently restoring an Apollo (the rocket, not the computer company) AGC but he's restored other stuff. If nothing else use it for inspiration.


Computer History Museum might have tip.

The computer history museum seems to have expertise in restoring computers from that vintage. They might have tips for these intrepid restorers. I would look here: https://www.computerhistory.org/groups/restorations/

RIP to two 'naut legends: A moonwalker and a spacewalker


Dreams from another era?

Is man on another solar system body a dream from a bygone era? When man had to do it himself because vacuum tube electronics just couldn't cut it?

Sure we haven't gone back to the moon or the other places but we have sent plenty of robot explorer and have learned quite a bit about Mars and all the way through Pluto through the eyes of robots. Which human can survive a trip to Jupiter or even Pluto?

We have continued to explore, just not with cowboys anymore. Maybe like the movies, their time in space exploration has passed.

Thar she blows: Strava heat map shows folk on shipwreck packed with 1,500 tonnes of bombs


Hmm... Big explosions in harbors are something to take seriously: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5uTAt_A8BY

Wizarding World of Harry Potter awaits Microsoft Office exam winners


Re: Florida?

Toyed with the idea a few years back. But at $120 for 1 day just to wonder around a Diagone alley replica https://www.universalorlando.com/web/en/us/theme-parks/universal-studios-florida/the-wizarding-world-of-harry-potter-diagon-alley/index.html#subnav-a that has a few roller coaster rides didn't seem to be the best way to spend a Florida afternoon. Went hunting the Dali Museum http://thedali.org/ in Tampa instead. Didn't regret that one tiny bit.

Keep up the pressure on the telcos, Canada


Re: Hard to believe

In fact as much as 90% of Canadians live within 200km from the US border (that`s Canada`s southern border for the Google Maps Challenged) and that`s no polar bear habitat. In fact forecast for today is around 30C.

LOHAN takes the stage at Oz Linux shindig


South Africa? India? Both should have suitable beer for the Playmonaut

Apple now spends more on chips than top three PC makers combined


I don't know if this matters but Samsung makes tons of other things that uses chips that aren't computers phones or tablets. They make TVs DVD players all sorts of HIFI and appliances all of which uses chips and aren't in competition with PCs. The Samsung stove that uses glass touch panels aren't running on vacuum tubes.

Canadians nab syrup rustlers after massive maple sap heist


Pouding Chomeur (Unemployed's pudding)

What you really want to do with your maple sirup is Pouding Chomeur. It's best when warm out of the oven. It's ironic that the desert of the unemployed uses ingredient as expensive as Maple Sirup but who is counting!


It's rumored that real unemployed would substitute maple sirup with brown sugar and get something just about as tasty but I really recommend the real thing.

Apple's iOS 6 maps STILL muddle Mildura


GPS have errors?

I was stunned the first time my GPS brought me, with authority, 100km from my intended destination. They are usually accurate enough that we don't tend to doubt them. Beside their instructions are hard to review, you know your trip once you are in the car on your journey, with all your planning already done and without access to alternative sources. Afterall, you ditched the map so you didn't need to pack luggage and have to fuss with the lost and found dept of your least hated airline.

My old TomTom has done this to me several times. So much so that now I carry both paper printout of google maps and the GPS plus now the Android phone. I guess we are getting our money's worth when you pay the equivalent of maybe $20 for the entire maps of planet earth.

Dr No, Thunderball, Casino Royale? Vote now for the best Bond film

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It was certainly the story, the best script and a top notch ensemble cast. It's too bad that George wasn't quite up to par with the rest of the film. Otherwise there would be unanimous.

Save hefty Dr Who and Bond girl 'Flossie', pleads vintage computer man


more action shot video

Here`s another interview of flossie http://www.itv.com/news/meridian/2012-10-20/9-year-reboot-brings-computer-back-to-life/

Vote NOW for the vilest Bond villain



Goldfinger is certainly the most watchable villain performance of the series. There is something about the look and the voice of that performance that is very memorable and enjoyable.

And the best line of the series ever is Goldfinger's: "No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die".

It even has an XKCD strip for it http://www.xkcd.com/123/

Iridium flares for another $500m


More flashy iridium please!

Actually, Iridium as quite well liked by the average astronomers. They are indeed quite nice to see. If you have a chance go out a observe a -7 or -6 iridium flash. They are rare enough that they aren't an annoyance.

True, they are a form of pollution for the astrophotographer but really all satellites are. Planes are even more annoying with less redeeming value.

They look like someone is turning on a flashlight in the middle of the constellation. Go out and enjoy them on a clear night. They are fun to see.

BBC races away with five-year F1 rights deal


ITV in HD vs. SPEED network

The ITV broadcast is available in Canada in HD from TSN. It isn't in the UK? That would be a shame. For some reason sometimes the resolution seems to be off but it's clearly 16:9 HD signal.

As for those complaining about the broadcasters, I can tell you that the ITV crew is heads and shoulders above the US commentators from the SPEED network. That's truly the pits. They didn't last long on TSN. They tried them at one point and got the ITV crew back in a hurry. I am actually quite pleased with Louise and Martin and the lot.