Regarding sound quality, I seem to recall Steve Jobs saying that he was going to replace his expensive/high-end/audiophile (can't remember the exact words) stereo with an iPod Hi-Fi.
I wonder if he ever did?
75 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Mar 2008
When it happens here, I go through the captcha and it give me a 400 error.
We've been advised to use Bing.
Tried to access this morning and they wouldn't let me on:
'The behaviour of your interaction with our site does not align with profile of normal customer behaviour.
If you have requirements for information from this site, please contact us to discuss further.'
"And I've heard few users of said windows phone who really like it over android."
I've had various Android devices, from an old Orange San Fransisco to a rather more recent Nexus 7.
I find Windows Phone to be far more intuitive. There are some things about Android that I prefer, but not enough to make me go back there.
Wifey is a real technophobe, and has never got on with any of the mobile phones that I've provided her with (feature phones, Android, ancient voice and text only devices).
She picked up my Nokia 925 at the weekend and used it without any assistance from me at all. I'll be getting her one of these 630s PDQ.
Can't comment on the television news as I don't watch it. However, it seems to me that the interweb outlet has gone from being a useful provider of news to some vacuous lifestyle magazine. Radio 4 news continues its long-term dumbing down too, and is now as likely to annoy as it is to inform.
Rant over.
Being a bit of a Luddite, I currently face the prospect of finding something to replace XP on my machines.
Installed Mint on them all last week. Kept one with the option to boot into XP for those times when only Windows will do.
Think I'll give 8.x a miss. If 9 looks better I'll try it. Assuming, that is, that I feel I need to go back to Windows.
One per day for me. Earl Grey first, then...
1 tsp Mellow Birds
2 tsp sugar
3 tsp coffee whitener
...before I leave the house. I'm aware that I am likely to be derided for equating Mellow Birds with coffee.
It's tea all the way for the rest of the day, including a chai masala when I get into the office, but occasionally have another coffee when I get home.
...but has anyone mentioned ceramic knifes? Great things, keep their edge for years.
Can't comment on dishwashers though. Somebody else's problem, too middle-class for Cornholio Towers.
If I did have a dishwasher, I wouldn't want to risk my carbon steel Sabatier in it. I like to treat my tools with respect ;o)
...after being impressed with a friend's 920. I really like it, but then again it has replaced a creaky old Android 2.1 Orange San Fransisco (ZTE Blade).
The only thing that is bugging me at the moment is the way that the keyboard doesn't pop up when I hit the search button. Maybe I need to change a setting somewhere, but it is a pain to have to press the search button AND then tap the Bing search bar at the top of the screen before I can start typing.
Otherwise, it is a very fluid OS. It seems to require less horsepower than equivalent Android devices. I'm sure my quad-core Nexus 7 isn't quite as smooth as my dual-core Lumia 925.
Then again, I've never claimed to know anyting about phones. I just really want something that is good for making calls and texting, and the excellent (for a phone) camera on the 925 is a bonus for me. Looking forward to Nokia Pro Camera arriving with the Amber update! they say, the very best camera is the one you have with you when you need it.
Not fussed if I have Windows or Android, just so long as it all works nicely. And having seen a Nokia 920 in action, it seems to me that Windows Phone 8 does work nicely.
Good article too, but pleeease, it's not a huge sensor. It's a 1/1.5" sensor. It's dwarfed by the APS-C one in my Pentax K-30.
Huge number of pixels though! However, something like a Pentax 645D will give a similar number of pixels plus much better IQ. That really is more akin to a huge sensor, you see.
"[if you] wish to launch Excel. Both are desktop apps, so showing the Start screen is jarring. Now you can press Win-S, type Excel, and select the app from a right-hand panel without leaving the desktop."
I've not used Win8. On my XP boxes, I click Start / Excel if I want to launch Excel. Do you really have to do all of the above to launch it under 8.1? Sorry, I'm probably being thick as usual.
...a happy 50th birthday to Compact Cassette (first introduced at the Berlin Radio Show in 1963, I believe).
We do have a decent turntable in the house, but it is mostly of interest to the wife (a collector of vinyl since the 1960s). To paraphrase someone-or-other, it is surprising how good vinyl can sound considering the limitations and compromises of the system.
I've never been taken by the vinyl sound, although am guilty of loving valve amps. I think in both cases, it is a case of finding the inherent distortions pleasing to the ear. Euphonic colourations, I believe they're called.
Recently read in Hi-fi News about an album that had been digitally recorded, mixed and mastered, but then cut as a vinyl disc before being re-digitised and released as a CD. Of course, it was praised for having a 'nice, warm analogue sound'. I'd always maintained 'vinyl fans' were being seduced by the colourations of the system. It just gets on my moobs when they tell me that the 12" record is the One True Way.
Sorry, rambling. Beer o' clock came early at Cornholio Towers today.
Where is the 'none of the above' option? I thought everyone knew that the requirements are:
- Soft white bread
- Lightly fried bacon
- Lashings of butter
- Large lumps of BRIE
- A steaming hot mug of tea
Unless I'm missing something, brie doesn't seem to get a mention?
Ketchup can be applied sparingly, or even black olives on occasion.