* Posts by Mario

1 publicly visible post • joined 19 Mar 2008

Cambridge brain touts wind-n-server combo farms


one of certainity in life...

is that every manifestation of it will produce metabolic or digestive post processing emissions. In the animal reign, it is normally referred to as shit.

Shit happens...

Happens to be eventually biofuel. Grid all existing drains of a big town into a central thermal-valorizer from where to obtain natural gas for fuelling powerplants.

Then place server farms near there or where u think it is smarter.

The point is (after 10 years in IT) that all that I've done exists as long as there's

electricity applied. Otherwise my valuable creation is worth less than digestive

post-processed animal emissions.

As long as we will be able to eat, there will be some sort of sustainable resources.

Can u imagine the tons of resources we are literally flushing everyday in such places like London, Rome, Tokyo or NY??