Re: wait a moment
you analogy is a little faulty
lets take the 3 aspects your talking about
1. law enforcement
2. the people
3. the aliens
1. law enforcement - you assuming your invisible aliens aren't in the room temptering with the equipment doing the decrypt and changing the results and that all involved are honest and truth worthy.
2. the people - if the good honest citizens had information that would help would surely provide there decryption keys and provide that information. that none have decided to throw there lot in with the aliens,
3. the aliens if the encrypted data is on the aliens encrypt device they aren't going to provide the details to get that information you would have to steal it (oh no stealing is bad) or rely on an alien throwing his lot in with the humans
lets go back to reality we still have law enforcement the people and but instead of aliens we have negative actors (a catch all for terrorist, crims ,and other bad people) problem is that negative actors are a subset of the people not an external force as with the alien example.
1. law enforcement - encrypted phones can have information that's vital to stopping negative actors.
2. the people - ok i'll willingly decrypt my phone for you
3. negative actors - er no i'll use those this different encryption software that you can't decrypt.
again still no useful information is gained from the majority sharing there data
now again you have to assume that all of 1. are good and above rebuke and can secure there own systems, and that they don't have any of 3. inside that system. and that all of 2. trust 1. to always act in there best interest