devil is in the details and he's tiny
Y'know I've had my issues with Vista too..but..this story is either lazily researched or markedly slanted against microsoft. C'mon..look at the link to the technet article. Out of the hundreds (perhaps thousands) of applications that can run on Vista, they list:
*Five* that are blocked from starting - and 4 of those have updated versions that resolve that.
*Three* that do not run under sp1 - and 2 of those have updated versions that resolved that.
*Three* that experience a loss of functionality under sp1 - and 2 of those have updated versions that resolve that.
That's it..11 total applications listed and 8 of them have updated versions that fix the issue. Not bad for an OS that covers the entire globe. Am I a windows lover? No..but for the territory they have to cover it's not bad. I have a Mac as well, each OS has its strengths and weaknesses. I made sure I ran Vista on hardware built for it, and keep it updated and virus free. It has been rock solid the whole time.