Whose "Family" Values?
If it allows the family values of my family, it might be fine. So the exclusion/inclusion criteria have to be rational: no nonsense about "marriage is only for pro-creation" (so after her last troubled-but-successful pregnancy, when my wife had her tubes tied, we should have divorced?, and if not then, now when she is in menopause?; definitely not MY family values!), or not letting children know that homosexual people exist (the only still-married of my kids is the lesbian one, a fine family in my book), or that contraception is available (I CERTAINLY want my grand-daughters to have access to data about that, and my grandsons also), or that only Christian values truly exist (Jefferson among other US founders appears to have been an atheist, and the current rash of Islamic martyrs was preceded by similar Christian ones a few centuries ago, etc.)....
But I suppose I am just dreaming...