* Posts by EnigmaForce

54 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Mar 2008


Sun stock goes degenerate dwarf


Jonathan Schwartz

Gives his candid assessment: http://blogs.sun.com/jonathan/

BTW I love this company, and its products. No, I'm not an investor, merely a new convert. After a decade of only ever knowing Mac OS and Windows, I threw in everything late last year after downloading Solaris. It's cool shit.

Ubuntu man says Microsoft's about to 'swallow a hand-grenade'


Just works

Well, what can I say - I slapped it on a Dell T3400 straight out of the box, in 20 minutes the install was done, and everthing *just worked*. Two-click install for Virtualbox so I have Windows on hand if really needed for good measure as well.

Ballmer bitch slaps Vista

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@ Goat Jam

You've hit the nail on the head with regard to UAC under Vista.

Tom Cruise does splits in birthday boogie vid


@ Neil

Don't think so, Satch isn't with Xenu AFAIK, and I think he's an Ibanez player 'til death.
