Suck it up
Ow dear! no pay rise to your probably decent corporate "package"? so what, think yourself lucky you have a job at all.
All this bitching and moaning doesn't detract from the fact those retained are lucky to still have employment. There are going to be many thousands not so fortunate this Christmas.
Let us not forget the impact on of the global (read USA) financial situation on those with less disposable income. So what if it's time to sell the third family car.
There are people that are out of work this Christmas who will be more focused on finding money for food not stressing about the reduction in their big corporate gravy boat benefits.
If your so keen to have a party with your colleagues then stump up for some of your own beer for a change down the local.
I have worked for both EDS and HP (still do) they are just companies in the business of making money, not here to pamper their employee's.
100 years ago every self appointed arrogant middle class BMW driving wine drinking over paid FW whinging in these posts would have been working in a textile mill or mine anyway.
Stop taking what you have for granted as you might find yourself with more pressing issues soon. (I can't wait to see those overpaid PM's flipping burgers in McD's) Check those Standards of Business Conduct as there may be more redundancies to follow.