original?how about ...
....paper?and gunpowder?apples?printing?That original enough for ya?
58 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Mar 2008
Any sensible person knows one thing - Surf Nazis Must Die.
And as far as I'm concerned, anybody who believes fluffy minded cultural relativism can be applied to Nazis is an idiot, end of. We saw "ethnic cleansing" less than 10 years ago in Kosovo, and that was just a pale imitation of what Nazis did, and would do again given the chance. Nazis need to be confronted head on and pounded into the dust, all day, every day, for ever. Firm but firm, thats me all over...
Local authorities cosying up to outsource behemoths - its management ignoramii cannibalising their own staff.I'm so sick of this. I'm supposed to be embracing the concept of "one cornwall" in April, but I'm absolutely convinced by the hopeless efforts so far that the entire thing will be an epic fail. Canada or New Zealand? UK = complete waste of effort....what a waste...
Seriously, how shit at their jobs do they have to be before they get taken out and shot?
And don't give me that crap about not buying US kit " because then we would have to rely on the Americans" - the UK armed forces have been unable to fart without US help for years.
This is all a sick joke and I just don't think I'll bother getting out of bed today : (
STOP because -well, just make it all stop
I don't want to insinuate that EDS are cowboys, but I've personally seen them go live for large govt dept , on the day some whitehall mandarin came to visit, with no trained staff , no PC build, and, in fact -no pcs or phones on the desk....well, you get the picture. Sharp exits all round - HP, what are you thinking you clowns? Michael Dell will be laughing his nuts off -and good luck to him!!!
Does anyone REALLY care anymore? I've already decided XP is the last Muppetsoft OS I'm ever going to us without a gun to my head, and I've officially lost interest in Vista, the desperate follow up to Vista, and the undoubted last gasp that will follow it a year later. Does anyone here intend to be PAYING for an OS that doesn't work 5 years from now? Thought not...