account forcefully reactivated
I was one of the few who wanted to quit. It is almost impossible to find the page where you can delete your account. I found it with a search engine and with documents about how to delete the profile, not because Facebook allowed me to do it.
Moreover, I requested my account to be deleted. It wasn't delete as I requested but i was informed that it will be in 14 days if I won't login during this period of time. I didn't and I am absolutely sure NOONE did with my account.. With all these I today got an email from Facebook that informed me that my account was reactivated.
This is lowest than I imagined a legal entity could perform in a civilized society. I am deeply disgusted by their tactics Today again I asked for my account to be deleted. I again have to wait for 14 days and maybe the'll inform me again that my account is forcefully reactivated.
Facebook owners are kind of guys you really don't want to mess with. I regret the second I tried their services and I think authorities should really step in.