Scientologists and anti-Scientologists BOTH need to get a life.
Wikileaks, like Wikipedia and Wiki-everything-else, is just an online forum where any anonymous geek can spread lies about anything they want. And it's even more effective if several friends gang up to spread those lies simultaneously. It means absolutely nothing.
If the Scientology cult really is doing something wrong, all these losers should be able to convince at least one policeman, at least one senator, at least one mayor, at least one government staffer, at least one FBI agent, somebody, ANYBODY in power who might listen to your conspiracy theories. I'm waiting for those congressional investigations against Scientology but they never seem to happen.
If these people really had proof of wrongdoing by Scientology, it would be super simple to go through proper law enforcement channels and put a stop to it. Oh, but that's not as much FUN as picketing churches in masks, hacking websites, and phoning in prank-call pizza orders, now is it?