* Posts by Ed

34 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Mar 2008

ISPs frosty on Jacqui's comms surveillance plan


Re. her resignation.

It's good news, but all of these plans will continue regardless of who is Home Secretary. I also doubt that very much will change even if the current lot lose the next general election.

Patients gain right to scrub e-records from NHS database

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I completely agree that the data within this system could be very useful, maybe even life-saving, in certain circumstances. Providing data is only accessed by medical professionals, for the purposes of providing medical care, I would have no issue with my data being in the system. If anyone else has access, or data can be accessed for a reason other than the provision of medical care, they can get stuffed.

To design a system where the only method of further restricting access to data is to delete it is pathetic.

Downing Street on Phorm: 'Meh'




Surprising? Not in the slightest.

Asda clamps down on killer teaspoons



I was thinking exactly the same thing over the weekend when I saw that Tescos are now operating a "Challenge 30" scheme for any age-restricted item.

I think I'm going to have to go to Asda just to see this for myself.

Go, Brown, go!

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And there was me thinking...

... that this was a science and technology news site, not a place for political crap like this.

What's the news story here? Somebody has got a petition published - whoopty fuckin' do!

MPs to probe ISP snooping and throttling


@Good Start

Check your facts before correcting others. BT works over whatever ports the client/server application has been told to use.


UK's visa fingerprint system fails



It's discrimination against anyone who has the usual compliment of eight fingers.

Brussels to sue UK over Phorm failures


Good news, on the face of it...

...until you consider where the money to pay the fine ultimately comes from. It comes from us! Our government has failed to protect our privacy, and as such they are fined which comes out of money *we* have paid in taxes.

I'm glad that something is finally being done about this, but fining the people who have been affected by the wiretaps is not the solution.

Google to fund 'video Street View' for Central London



I am far from convinced of the reliability of this story! Although if it were published on any other day I wouldn't have much difficulty in believing it.

Web giants urged to bar Phorm


Better still...

These companies could SSL all connections to their sites by default.

Government flags ID cost increase

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>I'd vote for any party who abolishes this scheme.

In which case you're an idiot.

I'm not saying I agree with the ID card scheme. Far from it, but it's hardly the most important policy on which to base your decision.

BT accused of 'sharp practice' on rolling contracts



Receiving a letter is all very good if you:

1. Actually receive it.

2. Are around to read it.

If it's "lost in the post" or you're out of the country then you're a bit screwed.

I think BT's position is fair enough providing they can prove that the letter has been received, read and understood.

Office booze-up battered in CPW cutbacks



'"This is a continuation of our outsourcing journey. There are many more benefits other than just cost saving," staff were told.'

Not for those being made redundant there bloody isn't! And probably none for those who retain their job.

Vista SP2 release candidate imminent?


"As always, the final release date is based on quality"


Minister trashes ex-spook chief's liberty warning

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Go ahread, please!

I very much want to see them try and develop this database of Internet communications. I think it has the potential to be highly entertaining.

In all likelihood it will be as successful as all other UK.gov IT projects, and even if they do manage to get it off the ground I can guarantee that it will contain absolutely zero useful data from me whatsoever.

First Windows 7 beta puts fresh face on Vista



I've been playing with the latest release for a few days now and from what I can see it's just Service Pack 2 for Vista. It's an improvement over Vista SP1, but nowhere near enough to pursuade me to actually pay money for it.

Tabloid girl's jubs freeze at -130°C


It will be as low as -130C?!

Bollocks will it!

Microsoft warns customers against bogus 'Blue Edition' Office


I find it quite amusing...

...that the most counterfeited Microsoft software is WinXP and *not* Vista. Not surprising, but amusing nevertheless.

Palin webmail 'hack' trial delayed


Use of email

"The University of Tennessee student remains free on bail with restriction that prohibit his use of a computer except for the purposes of internet email and college coursework."

His own email, or other people's as well......? :)

PlusNet customer invited to opt-in to BT's Phorm trial



Whilst I'm sure this instance was just an error "no plans to at the moment" wouldn't be anywhere near reassuring enough if I was a PN customer.

iPhone passcode blocks everything - except phone calls

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...this isn't news. Hasn't this been common knowledge for months?

MPs (finally) debate cybercrime


Thank God!

I feel so much better knowing these idiots are going to be tackling the problem.

Oh, wait.... no I don't!

Microsoft retires Windows 3.11 on 18th birthday


Please get rid of the mandatory title box.

"Virgin and Qantas have both been known to use the OS to power some of their in-flight entertainment systems for long-haul flights."

On first reading of this sentence I missed the word "entertainment", which was more than a little unnerving!

So long, Windows 3.11. I'll miss you. :-)

Microsoft rushes out emergency Windows update



I must rush home immediately after work and get this installed as quickly as possible!

Oh, wait.... I'm running Ubuntu so I've nothing to worry about at all.

Mine's the one with no critical holes in it...

Serial troll bitchslaps Reg hack



Aaron is a regular poster on Usenet as well. He's an idiot, but a highly amusing one. Googling will find a plethora of his inane ramblings.

Apple drags its heels on iPhone security patches


I'm shocked...

...oh, hang on. No I'm not.

Virgin Media collects customer banking details on CD, then loses it

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Good old VM...

...they're really doing everything possible to keep customers happy at the moment, aren't they? Phorm, agreements with the BPI and now they're not only selling our data but giving it away to God knows who.

CSC cranks the whalesong up to 11


Here's what one customer thinks...


Spend money on improving customer service rather than unnecessary logo changes.

American auto dealer offers free handguns


This must be why America is such a safe place to live...

...oh wait, it isn't!

Mobiles help UK malls track shoppers' every move



What makes you think "mall" is an Americanism??


Which ones?

How do we find out where this technology is being used?

@Rob - Mall is perfectly valid in English as well as American. See Fowler's Modern English Usage.

Virgin Media distances itself from Phorm 'adoption' claims

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Already done!

Have just dropped the antiphishing guys an email pointing them in the direction of El Reg.

Influential tech pundit says iPhone 'will be 3G in 60 days'

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3g really faster?

I've compared my iPhone to an N95 and frankly I can hardly see any speed difference at all between EDGE and 3G

Security firms split over Phorm classification


Firefox Plugin

TrackMeNot is the Firefox plugin you want.