i think the most important questio is..
..can i make this work with my ps3?
i don't want to hold the Move's controllers whilst trying to dance like an idiot when returning home on a Friday night blind drunk and deciding games are a good idea.
53 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Mar 2008
"Might want to re-read the article. All the suspects were employed so NONE of them were claiming anything from the "public purse"."
Might want to re-read the article.
Two of them at least were unemployed.
And correct me if I'm wrong but isn't their crime pretty much "claiming from the public purse" anyway? They just didn't ask for the help of the Gov't.
..the "very best cyberscrotes in Europe" most definitely aren't all eminating from the UK.
Firstly, it's too easy [for idiots like these] to get caught here compared to certain other countries.
Secondly, there are too many restraining factors including rubbish ISPs, poor provision of specialist education at good rates & also a huge population of egotistical bot theiving script kiddies claiming they're the bees knees of security.
Thirdly, in my own experience, the ratio of logical and intelligent "experts" within Britain is much lower compared to that of the quality of some folk around europe and indeed the world. As I said, my own experience only so I won't be citing that.
How anyone could say this crime, and these criminals, are amongst "the very best" [in their field] is beyond me.
Does no one take heed of security and the dark underbellies of the internet any more?
Not all torrents are "stolen goods" you know.
And I think you'll find most people will actually generally fork out a bit of cash for those smaller creators who actually input some small amount of good into their industries.
By buying mass produced vegetables from a supermarket chain like Tescos you're depriving honest farmers of a proper income.
By buying a mis-shapen but wholesome tomato from your local market, you're putting something back into what you're taking.
How many theiving scallies do you see stealing from the farmers market? Compared with how many you see stealing their daily supply of white lightening from Sainsburys.
Btw, re some of the above posts, I think by registering with TPB you actually get a wider choice of torrents.
Why anyone would use real details is beyond me, the sites blatantly insecure anyway, and it's not like they check your email address.
Mate, ur completely forgetting the fact that Excel isn't <i>just</i> used by home users & small businesses.
All well and good having such a clever suggestion - but how would propose companies as big as...say..HSBC for example..would implement a brand new application to do the same thing?
You'd have to look at reworking almost ALL processes involving the application (which, beleive me, is pretty substantial), retrain all staff, rewriting apps which aren't compatible with anything other than Excel..
I'm all for GNU, I say it time and time again, but come on man..wakey wakey!
Dude - haven't you forgotten the huge company & corporation networks that are soley windows platforms? Some of the main figures of infected machines come from boxes that are on business networks
I dunno about you but as an IT consultant I sure as hell ain't gonna be leading the project to convert the entire company to a new platform - including re-writing all internal applications, testing them, retraining ALL staff..etc..
I'm a linux fan, i've used it for over a decade - but mate - get real.
Big mahoosive get real in response to everything you've said.
You can be Paris' new best friend in her special lalaland house.
come on. my fellas from cleethorpes, and seriously, if that was true about the ufos - if they looked down at earth wondering where next to go on holiday im pretty sure lincolnshire would be in the lower half of their list...
mind u...i think clee and grimsby are at the bottom end of the "places in lincolnshire you'd go if it were the last place on earth" list :P
When I was 17, I managed to get a pretty decent technicians job for a small re-sellers firm
The set up was weird aside from the Scientology part - I wasn't allowed to leave this familys house for lunch, and I had to eat lunch with them at the table (i thought this OK coz I was allowed to smoke as much as I wanted..)
I went through a rough patch with my EX at the time, and was off ill with a tummy bug for a day...I came back and instead of sympathy - I received stern words along the lines of "You've let us down, only weak, wrong-doing people get down and ill"
They then asked if I'd like to take a read through some self help books, i thought "yeah why not" I was feeling low at the time and was open to any suggestions to pick myself up
I asked if I could take said books home to have a look through as I was busy at work - they said no. They said I had to be with other Scientologists whilst reading them, and that this had to be done at their house....
I said..hold on, I'm sorry I'm not religious in anyway, I'm not up for that...
The next day I had a letter entitled "Termination of Employment" under grounds that I was "underperforming"
I never signed a contract with them so I couldn't take it further with industrial relations.
My IT career was ruined and I had to work in a shop earning minimum wage for the next year. Thankfully I got myself back up and I'm running and IT department now ;)
These people are poison in our communities - they prey on the weak and persecute those who don't "buy in"
I'm all for free speach, neutrality & all that jazz, I'd say I'm quite a hardcore advocate of such things..
But can't you agree that joking about killing babies isn't really a laughing matter? Free speach or not - to cause so much upset and panic to new parents is not worth the advocacy of neutrality supporters.
Fair play, the sentence perhaps a little steep - but had you come across such threats after bringing a baby into the world wouldn't you be a little less lenient?
..mines the jacket coz I'm not staying here to watch people shun a "joke" that makes loving parents panic over their kids safety.
..mate, I do hope you're (for our reputations sake) not a network analyst of any kind..
.....wait.....do you work for the Government?
Half the UK has fibre networks now dude, so no patent awards fo yo.
AC @ Neil above has pretty much ironed out the glitch that was your suggestion but perhaps it might have been good to expand on what options actually would work..
Satellites.. duuh!
Or maybe if the Gov't actually replied to its councils emails or telephone calls - they wouldn't be wasting a whole load of our money [again]
Mines the greedy, wasteful bitch that just doesn't have a clue...yes Labour *ahem* Paris.
...The Macedonians and/or the Romanians will be upset that the Ukranians did something "cool" and will wreak havoc upon the purpatrators to fuel their jealousy
No need to panic, or do anything, they'll all sort themselves out and we can go back to being ignorant to it all.
Unless I'm just being too old school here, I haven't graced the presence of an IRC server in over a year at least..
Putting on my jacket and heading to the pub..
How on earth do you think security solutions are found in the first place??
They're not just going to go "Oh, its insecure, theres the flaws.... Bummer"
Whether social engineering is a risk or not - if you tighten the locks on the first door, it'll always take longer to reach the second.
You have to remember security isn't just about making sure some "hacker" can't compromise your network. The levels and varied factors in security are much more widespread that that initial risk.
You also have to remember, a good security specialist ain't going to give out his ever so precious information over a blonde hussie - I know I certainly wouldn't trust my networks with a ladies man with no concern about data integrity when compromised with money or other treats...Each to their own, but if thats who you're dealing with I suggest you re-consider your current contracts ;)
Positively - it's good to see Queens finally being put on the map, its a damn good Uni, with some incredibly talented students and staff. Its about time they were given an opportunity like this.
Plus, they have the most amazing cafes with the worlds cheapest full Irish breakfasts just round the corner, mmmm ^_^
..Stop, because you need to take a little time to think.
I'm looking forward to hearing how interviews in 5 years + go for security experts for the gov't
MI5 IT security manager of 30 years - "So, how developed is your previous experience within network security fields..?"
Post Grad - "I can use Active Directory"
Manager - "..anything further? I mean, have you had no practice in becoming a security expert??"
PG - "No Sir, you arrested my fellow students 5 years ago for trying to learn about that stuff.."
...thats probably not the sort of wording they'd use...oh well....Doors Officially Open, well done the Law, now you can employ even more underqualified idiots to look after your country! Here, take my tax and give it to them!
..if this were a case against someone who'd (for example) gained access to sensitive data locally, or retreived data etc etc - the prosecution would be laughed out of court because they had given the defendant access information freely and willingly
Why doesn't that apply here?
IT with a question mark because "nobody understands" *sniff sniff*
Screw the article for a second - that girls only 15!?!?! have you SEEN the way she dances on stage? Let alone some of the somewhat questionable lyrics she's made to "sing"
If that were my daughter I'd be having stern words
Not really a great role model
Paris, coz Mileys teetering in her stilletto footsteps..
"1 (1) A person is guilty of an offence if
(a) he causes a computer to perform any function with intent to secure access to any program or data held in any computer, [Text added 2007-10-01 (Scotland) by Police and Justice Act 2006 s.35(2).] [Not yet in force elsewhere in the UK.] [This addition to be cancelled by Serious Crime Act 2006 s.61(2).] or to enable any such access to be secured ;"
Does this mean Vistas illegal in Scotland until its amended out??