Please come and install in Wimborne
Please please come and install in Wimborne in Dorset!
We would not worry about the design of the 'street furniture'!
Get on with it BT and local councils!
4 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Mar 2008
Comments like this from people who should know better still shock me, but I am no longer surprised. We have the potential in the UK to be a world beating nation as far as the interweb is concerned, but we are constantly told what we do and don't want!
At the moment I would just like a connection that is consistent and works 100% of the time - once that works, I would like it to go faster. The poppets who are responsible for my connection (not my ISP), have completely failed to find a fault - but then again I cannot actually get them to check the line when it refuses to connect!
I would love fibre to my house - NOW, and would be prepared to pay for it. Maybe the solution would be to purchase 3km of fibre and turn up at the local exchange asking where this can be plugged in!
Why do the leaders in the country consistently miss the mark completely! Then make us pay through the nose to live here!
This nicely ironic after O2 and CWH slashed the price of the iPhone by £100 as a result they have run out...
Apple have always adopted a strange business model - which is why most of us are typing comments on a PC - probably running Windows or maybe Linux though unlikely.
I once challenged Adobe at an education show about their pricing policy in the UK, after much opening and shutting of mouth by the lovely saleslady, I was asked to leave the stand (once I had removed as many of their promotional items as possible).
Face it guys rip-off Britain is here to stay, and while we are subserviant to the EU (and I like the EU mostly), this will continue. Maybe we should be more like the French who seem to ignore the bits they don't like, strike about the bits they hate and take on board the bits they like...
I remember while in the sixth form great excitement when a friends dad produced a grey box that could play high quality audio from some kind of solid state disc.
He went out to Japan, and we never saw him again. Was this the forerunner of the MP3 player?
I guess I will never know!