* Posts by Peter Capstick

3 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Mar 2008

Roadpricing satnav spybox trials under way

Peter Capstick
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Government road tolls & in car spy kits

If the government are so concerned about the amount of traffic on the roads,& truly concerned about enviromental polution. Why don't they start rebuilding our railway systems back up to the pre Beecham cuts,but with the advantage being all electric. Then require all haulage where practical to be transported by rail to local depot's, as in the old days. This would take an astronomical amount of traffic off the roads, thus leaving more room for human transport. I know this would mean the end for a lot of long distance haulage companies, but likewise job's were lost closing the railways & depot's Making people jobless has never stopped the government from progress before, & the new rail system would make more new jobs & also make commuting more convenient in area's previously lost in the beecham cuts. Polution would be drastically reduced. Our reliance on petrol & diesel would be drastically reduced, alleviating demand for these fuels & reducing our national debt by way of reduced import of fuels from abroad. A huge reduction in tyres for transport, would mean even less polution in the manufacturing industry. Our motorways would need less maintenance due to the removal of a major ammount of heavy goods vehicles. Less demand for new building of motorways & byepass's would be needed.Possibly even a reduction in accidents & deaths because of the lower traffic levels & the reduced chance of heavy goods vehicles being involved in accidents. Also foreign haulage would be loaded onto trains at point of entry into UK or exit from France thus leading to a reduction in foreign haulage & less accidents & deaths, caused by foreign drivers on our motorways.

Rock Group goes titsup

Peter Capstick

Rock goes Bust & for what.

Paul Bicknell, 24, admitted stealing £200,000 of equipment from Rock to fund an extravagant lifestyle,& gets 3years.

Hang on a minute. Rock has gone bust, the owners have lost 16 years of hard graft. God knows how many employees are now on the dole, little income, mortgages, young mouths to feed. This man has destroyed peoples lives, just so he could be selfish & calous, & for what?. So he could have the time of his life.

And what does it cost him?. 3 years oops! sorry 18 months with good behavour.

An 18 month holiday at HMS all expenses paid. The prize for this £200.000.

Has this country gone bonkers. He has not been punished, his bosses & fellow workmates & their families are the one's who have been punished. He should have got minimum 5 years & made to see each of the bosses & families in person & apologise to them. Also when he pays his weekly £1 for a TV out of his prison pocket money. Take the TV away from him, let him feel what it's like to be deprived of something. Little punishment for such a big crime.

Anti-trust committee checks out Windows 7

Peter Capstick
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Microsoft Silverlight

While i can understand your frustration with Microsoft Silverlight.

I do not see why it's Microsoft's fault that you installed it.

If you had just been bothered enough to set automatic updates download to manual download. You could have reviewed the updates & picked the ones you wanted. Silverlight is not compulsory.

It's no good randomely downloading everything in sight, then complaining it's Microsoft's fault. If you cannot be bothered taking the time to learn how your system works, & don't want to adjust settings. Buy an Xbox or PS3. PC's are not for idle/lazy users, they are for people who use their brains.

PS No slur intended on console users.