I demand...
...That all musicians should be locked up.
They all plagarise notes that have been used before and just play them in a different order. Thieves the lot of them!
They should either come up with some new notes or not be allowed to charge for their music.
I can't comment on the artistic value of what this Mr Mouse produces, as have never listened to his stuff - I may check it out this evening when I get home (although the mention of Jay-Z puts me off). In general though, DJs do not get enough credit for their work.
A good DJ uses samples from prior work, but they do something different and innovative with it. They create something new and often something that appeals to an entirely different audience to the original work they 'stole'. That being the case the person that produced the original has not lost out in any way, so how exactly are they being wronged?
There does obviously have to be some common sense - Playing huge chunks of an existing work with minimal modification is clearly not adding anything significant and IS just plagarism, but all too often people with no taste for or understanding of dance music just dismiss DJs as parasites. That's bollocks. A good DJ is every bit as much a musician as the bloke the played the guitar or sang the lyric he samples/remixes.
Interesting video here on how one 6 second drum loop is the basis of whole genres of modern music:
If The Winstons had jealously guarded their creation and sued the hell out of anyone that reused it, the history of dance music would be very different and while some of you rocktards probably don't care, an awful lot of us feel the music world would be poorer as a result.