Re: The Truth About Exercise
Sorry but I believe in equality.
Chivalry is a name women use to get you to do things for them.
I'd give anyone my seat if I can see they have a need greater than me.
But not just because they have a vagina.
66 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Apr 2007
so wait... if the fire only has about 6GB local storage for both apps and media, then most of your media etc has to be in the cloud....and the only connectivity the Fire has is Wi-fi (no 3G) then this means you can't access your media unless you're in range of an open hotspot which aren't exactly common.
Also it doesn't have user-replaceable battery?
I'll stick with my 2 year old Nook 1 thanks. It has user-replaceable batteries (In stock at any B&N), (free) 3G wireless so I can get to the ebook store so I can purchase and download ebooks no matter where I am. It also has and SD card slot (2 actually if you dig around) so I already have 18GB of storage space (2GB built in + 16gb card) but could go upto a whopping 64GB.
Its causing plasma excitation of oxygen an nitrogen, which would cause nasty things(tm) (ions, gasses) to be released that you wouldn't want in your home.
That being said, they could improve this a lot by using an infra-red laser instead of a green one, so that you only saw the excited plasma (image) and not the beam itself scanning.
>> Do you think Bill G will get the same when he snuffs it?
I'm sure he will, and maybe even more so.
I mean judging by the way Jobs has been elevated way past reality, its clear Americans have no memory and judge people's character entirely by their current wealth, totally ignoring anything else including the evil methods they used.
>> Its impossible to prevent virusses on the OS level these days.
You're very wrong. Especially if you're talking about virusses that get in through the browser.
Windows especially sucks at security. Consider running a browser in a sandbox under an OS that properly implements permissions like Linux. . Even the most virulent website wouldn't have a hope of being able to infect your OS.
Yes because its way over-complicated so the chances of getting it configured properly are lower. Also Windows is installed with settings that are by default insecure. So you have a ton of work ahead of you even if you understand all that stuff.
The whole Windows model is fundamentally insecure, partly as a result of Microsoft software architects getting away with making stupid design decisions, and partly because windows was originally never meant to be an OS itself, let alone a professional multi-user environment. Consequently it still has many stupid legacy issues in its design.
Such as, mechanisms like the registry and the fact that when you install apps they can and usually do put stuff into the Win32 directory, No 'proper' OS would have a model where just installing user applications extends the Operating System itself.
@sceptical bastard
>> would you rather be stuck in a pub with a 30-year-old female jewellery designer or Jeremy Clarkson?
I'd opt for Clarkson every time. Being stuck with some vacuous bimbo would drive me nuts. Clarkson would be great for a chat and a laugh.
To be honest, I laughed at the Mexican comments but also inwardly flinched, especially as he said no mexicans would sue... that seemed to be a blatant dare.
10 bucks to unlock an already-delivered movie is ridiculous. I cant imagine any one with any intelligence paying for that, (which means many people probably would).
$2 is a realistic price, given one can rent (and rip) a DVD from netflix for around that.
I really like the proposed idea of them selling a large drive with locked movies and charging little or nothing for the drive itself. I would buy multiple drives if they did that. Of course I would just reformat the drive as soon as I got it and fill it with something actually useful.
After 30 years as a developer I know for a fact that programming is a complex creative process, and to do it well requires skill, discipline and experience. I also know that that nearly all managers at the level that sets corporate policy have 0 technical understanding and usually don't actually understand the tech in their own products. Even though they work in a high-tech industry they usually only have a business degree or MBA.
Consequently most managers all make the same mistakes. Its like their MBA school removed their brain and replaced it with a single rule to try and reduce everything down to a single simple process then hire cheap labor to perform it. They are completely oblivious that programming is a skilled and creative art producing one-offs, not a production line banging out multiple exact copies of the same thing. They've only ever learnt one management approach and they're hell-bent to apply it, regardless of its fundamental unsuitability in this environment. When all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail.
Consequently because they dont understand programming they also have no clue about the skills it requries, so they repeatedly employ underskilled people to perform complex programming work because they are cheaper up front, regardless of the actual damage and extra rework these people cause. Management always totally ignore money they can't directly account for, so the damage one incompetent programmer can do to a code baseline is never an issue because its invisible to the bean-counters as they can't calculate it up-front.
Unfortunately it seems nothing will ever change because the incompetent managers will never fire themselves. If anything ive noticed that over the 30 years I've been working as a developer managers are more blinkered than ever so the trend is getting worse.
Beer because its the only way out for developers.
All the obligatory integrated music store crap in Windows is one of the big reasons I use Ubuntu. Imagine my disappointment to read that some stupid teenage-minded marketing droid thinks its a good idea to drag all this moronic bloatware over to my favourite distro. I mean what the F has all this crapware got to do with an operating system?
I really hope they packed this crap up sensibly so for us grown-ups that want a professional system, it is easily uninstallable without ripping chunks of necessary functionality out too. Perhaps its time to find another distro if Ubuntu is going down the same path as Microsoft, Apple et al that everyone necessarily must be an ipod-addicted facebook junkie.
Sorry but I think that reducing the sentence for cannabis is incredibly stupid and is just one more confirmation of what a clueless halfwit Blunkett is. The system has clearly failed if someone like him can get any kind of responsibility.
Its beyond doubt that cannabis does physical damage to your brain, not to mention that just smoking (anything) is bad for you anyway. I've got several of pot-smoking friends and they all admit that their memory has been noticeably degraded directly because of it.
Its already a problem for me that my kid is growing up in a world were that the myth that cannabis is safe is being widely promoted by misinformed potheads. The last thing I need is the law sending factually wrong messages too.
Phone Dell and begin to place an order. Get some way into it then tell them that you will only buy the laptop if they can supply it without Windows, and with the appropriate price discount to reflect that. Walk away if/when they say they can't do that.
If you do this, they will actually have visibility of lost sales due to their fucktardness. If enough people do this, they will have to take notice.
There needs to be a law to stop publishers preventing fair use of something customers have already bought and paid for.
The law should ensure that all products should have very clear labelling about its particular DRM and all its limitations, including specifying the number of years of guaranteed availability of the DRM server.
The law needs to to protect customers who bought some software but cant use it because the DRM is unfairly stopping them.
Many DRM schemes only let you install software a very low set number of times then refuses to work. This is a terrible abuse of rights.
Also when the publisher arbitrarily decides to turn the DRM server off because the product is old, where are customers rights then?.
Lol.. this article lists a bug that allows cross-site-scripting as the most _dangerous_ coding error.
I work as a software developer on avionics systems. Some girlie little website bug is never going to be considered even slightly dangerous compared to what we can screw up.
This article is ridiculous. It is hard to for anyone to get promoted into very high office, men too. Deal with it. You women don't think men face exactly the same issues?
The fact is, many women aren't happy with just equality, they expect preferential treatment.
Paris because she made it through the glass ceiling with no skills at all.
Uhh... no theres no loss of screen height, there's just a gain in extra width.
You want more screen height simple, just get a bigger monitor.
I for one welcome 16:9 and can't wait until you cant even buy 4:3 anything any more so that we can finally standardise. I hate the fact that some cable channels even now still only broadcast in 4:3, even when they air originally widescreen content.
4:3 does and always did suck, especially for computer desktops. I could never go back.
Sorry but just in terms of absolute quality of Linux and any Microsoft product at all, I don't think Microsoft has a chance.
The thing that repeatedly sells Microsoft products is a very powerful marketing machine that has successfully managed to keep hype over substance in the public eye for years. Product quality has become irrelevant at Microsoft.
Unfortunately John Q Public still thinks Microsoft products must be the best, just because Windows and XBoxes are so ubiquitous. Anybody with any real experience of equivalent tech made by anyone else (e.g. Apple, Linux, Sony, Nintendo ) knows that Microsoft's products always suck in comparison when it comes to actual use.
Sorry I just don't buy the fact that she really has to scream her head off during sex, and nor can she control it.
If I was her neighbour I spend a week or 2 waiting in silence until 2am then putting my stereo on full blast and start using power tools to do all sorts of projects coincidentally most of which would be to the adjoining wall.
When she complains I'd say that I couldnt control my urge to do DIY at 2am, and besides its in my house. See how she likes it when she's the one being woken up.
Firstly let me state clearly that I don't agree with child porn or child exploitation in any way.
That said, as Ms Sheilds is currently over 40 years old (i.e. not a child), and also a figure who intentionally puts themselves in the public eye to make money, and also probably herself is allowing this to be shown, what child are we actually protecting here by banning this art under the child protection act?
>>> "Most people say, 'I don't want to be bothered. It just works.
Yeah, Same for me. Thats why I switched to Linux as my desktop and have never looked back.
One day I just got totally fed up with all the endless Microsoft annoyances that other people are so used to living with they dont even see them any more. Not that Linux doesnt have its own problems, but once you're set up, Ubuntu is a whole lot more usable, more powerful, and much friendler than Windows, especially Vista.
Just imagine that picture without the cool wheels, a lot higher roofline, and a less raked windshield. All of a sudden it looks like every other car on the road, and thats also inevitably what the final car will acutally look like.
The car designer makes something look new and cool that everyone would want, then the stupid marketing people sanitize all traces of style, individualism and desireability right back out. They will probably add a few of the most ugly styling cues of the Prius just so it shouts "Hybrid" too.
Microsoft's response to allegations that Vista sucks has been to try and redefine English rather than actually fix the software.
The word "Upgrade" actually means a move that improves the general situation, such as adding extra functionality or usability. It absolutely does NOT, and never has meant just a move to something more recent regardless how bad it is.
Since XP, Microsoft have added many artificial limitations to Windows to prevent the user from accessing the hardware features of their own PC. Extra limitations like DRM and other "in your face" annoyances like UAC prevent the user from doing things that can actually be done straightforwardly in XP.
Consequently, moving TO Vista or Windows 7 FROM XP is clearly and logically a DOWNGRADE.
Moving FROM Vista/Windows 7 To XP is consequently an UPGRADE.
In future please use this correct terminology in all your articles.
I've got a new resolution in my life. I don't buy products that weren't designed with usability and the puchaser/end-user's needs and rights being the most important factor.
I just don't buy anything with DRM or vendor lock-in or artificial limitations on functionality there to force a particular business model on us.
I probably would have bought a Kindle by now if it could just display what I gave it.
Thats $350 of my money Amazon will never get, solely because of their stupid DRM corporate-greed mentality.
Paris because even she is smarter than Amazon/Kindle's marketing dept.
As a pilot who has flown several of the real aircraft modelled in Microsoft FSX I have to say how bad the flight model is. If a real cessna was even slightly as twitchy and uncontrollable as the one in FSX then very few trainee pilots would still be alive, let alone have ever graduated with a licence.
I've owned and/or tried several other PC-based flight sims and none of them felt as unrealistic as FSX.
For something so long in development and with such a big customer base you'd think they'd have managed to get it right by now, or even approximately close anyway. This seems to be a fundamental truth of most Microsoft products actually.
They need to have a user-selectable "expert" mode so that users who say they are experts don't get all the crap that vista introduced like extra warnings for the simp[lest of operations like the multiple braindead dialogs you have to OK multiple times when you copy/merge folders.
...and whats up with Vista leaving an empty version of the folder behind when you move a folder somewhere else that has a folder with the same name already? Thats just f****'d up.
Its so scary that McCain can be so complacent to remain ignorant of even fundamental global advances like personal computing and the internet, yet the most powerful country in the world might still empower him to make key decisions that directly affect billions of peoples lives.
Vote for Paris because she is all over the internet.
Chris you wrote:
>> IMO, it's just like saying to Intel "Hey, we don't want these Core 2 CPUs, you're using your position to push these onto us, we want to continue to use Pentium 4 chips instead!!" I do think the downgrade rights should be more lenient (you can only downgrade to XP Pro, and only if you're running Vista Business or Ultimate),
Wrong. Your analogy is exactly the opposite of whats actually happening. Unlike most people have realised already, You have yet to also make the connection that no matter what Microsoft like to pretend, Vista is actually a downgrade to XP.
Your analogy should be more like:
Intel releases a pentium 4 as a new product to replace Core 2, except that now each time the user wants to run a program the P4 has to tell intel what the user is doing and get permission from intel first before it will actually do it. Then Intel stop selling Core2's and make those already out there not work as fast by using some built-in remote control. (read: Windows update).
I can't help but think that Microsoft often use Windows Update to push what appears to be some trivial fix from the description that is actually is something way more complex or even sinister.
I mean think about it, they obviously don't want to tell you beforehand that they're just about to apply some update that shoots the user in the ass some more, e.g. applies more DRM, does more phone home stuff or updates/opens some backdoor for MS or the CIA to quietly access your PC with.
They also may just not want to admit to the world just how much they have to fix all the time.