Obviously, we have different definitions of straight...
Hey Julian Maynard-Smith,
It appears that you have the PR habit of deliberately talking at cross purposes. Perhaps this tactic works on the occasional clueless consumer but not likely here. You say -
"We hold no data" - I couldn't care less because I challenge your assertion that you have ANY right in law to even take the merest peek at what my data might be. No data stream = No business.
"The system is legal" - because you say so? You've tested your assertion in front of the courts right? Start saving, it's going to be very expensive.
"Web publishers benefit from the system too" - I'm not a publisher so have no interest in this.
Julian, looks like this little episode won't be going on the CV under "My PR triumphs" eh?! Better luck with the "Bracknell Refuse Collection Initiative Newsletter" or whatever else it is that you normally "work" on.