Re: re: so that developers can test things
The issue with providing a windows laptop is that the user can't then run Chromebook software, hence stopping the company standardising on Cromebrook for all new software.
77 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Mar 2008
This of a large company who can run all the software that 85% of staff needs directly on Chromebook, but can't move all staff to Chromebook as a few staff still needs windows software. By enabling 100% of the staff to be moved to Chromebook, this "hack" provides a way to standardise on Chromebook before all the software have been rewritten.
A carrier unlike a sub has lots of resupply ships for food, jet fuel etc, therefore it can be supplied with oil at the same time.
A nuclear powered carrier has to be taken out of service to have the reactor refueled; this can take over a year, with only two carriers this becomes an issue. (Unlike the USA that has lots of carriers, so can be refueling one at a time.)
The calcs show that over the lifetime of the carrier a reactor would cost more then oil.
With a reactor, if it breaks down you got real problems; with oil you can have many separate generators.
The lazy loading will very quickly get you all the code (and its history) you need for the task you are doing. At that point you can work of-line. (Git also make it easy to have 101 central servers that tack each other, and you only need one of them to be working.)
However a larger benefit of git is being able to have local branches etc and combine them with other peoples changes without “publishing” them to a central server.
I expect MS wanted all the benefits of GIT for the part of the source code the developer is working on, this could include files in many different folders. The build script will make use of prebuilt binaries for the 99.999% of windows the developers is not changing.
I expect that very quickly all the files the developer needs to work will be on their machine, so giving the benefits of a distributed system, while only distributing the subset of code the developer is using.
It was not allowed to fly low much in Operation Desert Storm due to the risks, also I think most of the kills were not with its gun.
Therefore maybe we need a replacement that can fly slow and remain over the solders for a long time, but can carry more missiles by not having such a large gun. Transport planes have also been converted with a large gun fixed on one door if you want the large gun.
The A-10 armor allowed it to fly low and not to be brought down with small arms, but if flying low is no longer an option…..
One issue is that the A10 is too easy to shoot down with a hand hold missile if it is flying low enough to use its gun. Hence in most operations it fly higher and then uses the same missiles as any other aircraft. Given that the gun takes up so much space and limits how many missiles the A10 can carry….
The F-35 is overpriced for what is needed today, but how many F-35 does the USA need for a “more advanced war”, and is it cheaper to then also use the same F-35 for operations that they are over speced for….
Remember that all of Microsoft Office etc will run on the “phone”, hence it is only the odd custom corporate application that will need any of the 80 hours.
Then let assume that most corporate application applications have been moved to the web, so that only 1 in 5 numbers of staff need to use this service at all…..
This is a service for companies that are moving away from Win32 applications, but needs a short term solution for a small number of their workers. It is not a replacement for my laptop or your laptop!
First you cover the complete mostly empty area with drone based large are coverage, yes it only support a low density of users, but there is only a low density of people.
Then put up cellular towers where there are more users, using the drones to do the back-hall, the towers can have dishes the automatically point at the correct drone.
Then you put fibre in to the areas that need it.
We are talking about villages with 20 people living in them, and 10 miles to the next village, not towns!
Autopilot on an aircraft is seen as an aid to the pilot, no pilot would think of going to sleep just because the autopilot is turned on to help with the easy bits of the pilot job. Yet people seem to think an autopilot can be trusted to drive a car without the driver being alert.
Autopilot is the correct name for a system that does not remove the responsibility from the driver!
I would like biometrics to be used whenever someone opens a new account, or gets a new credit card, so as to make it very hard for one person to have accounts in more than one name. Accounts that you can’t trace back to a person are used as part of most banking theft.
Biometrics is hard to use for ATMs or internet banking as a copy of someone’s finger could be used, but would be great if I lost my cards and passwords etc but needed to prove to a bank who I was to get emergency cash out.
The ideal is that you may have a large network in say a university that is very fast but is split up into IP subnets. You can now up the windows updates from a PC on the fast local network without having to change anything.
I expect that if it is slower getting an update from your PC then Microsoft’s server, your PC will not be giving out much at all…..
TCP starts sending packets slowly until it finds out how fast they can be sent without a router dropping them due to a slow network, or lack of buffer space etc. Therefore a short lived connection may never get up to full speed.
This has always been an issue in IP networks, as there is no central system to setup connections and decide what speed each computer can send data at….. This is also one of the reasons that IP networks scaled so well……
The Windows TCP stack used to be one of the best and most stable, but like everything else companies leaf fog each other, so once the windows TCP stack got overtaken, Microsoft setup a team to do everything possible to once again make it the best.
So for the next few years it may be the best, then it will taken overtaken again.
No company wants to be making small changes to their TCP stack all the time due to the cost of testing etc. Therefore a TCP stack will be frozen for many years, until there are enough large image changes to justify the cost of testing.
Firstly a lot depends on the skill set of the staff and what is already in use…….
Then it depends on how many copies of the application will be in use, e.g. if the application is sold to 50 customers a lot more can be spend in development cost to reduce license costs.
I rather expect that if “in memory tables” and/or data warehouse functions of SQL server benefits the application a lot, that the savings in development costs will make MS SQL Server 2016 win. Otherwise I expect it will come down to what the developers/admin already know, e.g. the cost in time of them getting up to speed on a “free” database may be more then the licence costs saved unless they already have these skills.
It is OK to use the “permanent ID number” as a key in a database, however it should not be used to confirm someone ID, as so many people know it. Likewise a physical driving licence should never be used to confirm someone ID unless the phone is confirmed to match the person.
At first sight, increasing farm output seems good. But the EU props up farmers that should be allowed to fail, pays minimal prices to framers for crops, then pays to destroy over production.
Therefore I don’t see how “normal people” in the EU will benefit form GM crops.
Also given how Monsanto has behaved in the past, I think only “open source” GM crops should be allowed.
By the time that 90% of the customers of any independent software vendor have version of office that support this new API, Microsoft will have released a version of Office that replaces it with yet another API.
I have never seen any integration with office end well, if it requires “tanking” to a copy of office…..
The reason my wife installs apps on her IPad but not her laptop, is that we trust that apps from the Apple app store will not destroy all the data on her IPad.
I was hoping that within a few years, it would be possible to put new software on our laptops without having to take an unacceptable risk.
Sometimes someone has to be able to get work done where there is no internet connection, but you don’t want to provide a different “on line” and “off line” UI. So an “on-line” application that can be built from the source code of your website can be a good option.
Otherwise you have an application (e.g. stair design software) that you wish a lot of people to be able to access over the internet, but a few people need to be able to send the design to the machine (that is connected to a local PC) to make the stairs that is connected to a local PC.
Another example is that hospital x-rays are normally accessed var an internal website, but you always want a PC directly connected to the x-ray machine, so you can view a x-ray if the network is not working. Project Westminster allows the reuse of the lot of the website code, on the local directly connected viewing PC.
So stop thinking of it as “implement a website”, think if it more as integrate the website into an applicant.
What makes you think the contract was from TalkTalk.
Even dialing random phone numbers, and pretending to be from TalkTalk saying you need to confirm some personal details would result in getting a lot of information for most members of the public.
The caller hanging up makes me thing it was not TalkTalk calling you.
Anyone that has a copy of the form I fill in for a credit check can open a bank account in my name!
Anyone that has the information to set up a DD on my account had all the information that is needed for someone else to setup the DD.
There will ALWAYS been data beaches, therefore the data that must be stored and process for each customer should be such that it is not a great issue if it gets stolen.
Encryption does not help, as the key needs to be accessible to the system.
The credit check data has to be kept by Talk Talk, as otherwise they can’t improve their risk control systems when taking on new customers. (Likewise a landlord has to keep it, so they can trace a none paying tenant that has just left the property.)
We need a quality ID checking system, but yet, we are not allowed to have ID cards as the public does not like the concept!!!!
Firstly if staff every have to wait for the computer, they will not feel as good, so may become slower themselves. Making the computer respond in 1 second instead of 20, so the member of staff does not start to think about something else, has a much bigger effect that any logic will say.
I have personally spend far too long at the Screwfix trade counter due to the computer being so slow processing returns, I bet any cost/benefit review speeding the system up, did not take into account the risk of the person behind me in the queue going to Toolstation next time…
Also flush is a lot more predictable, one application move the disk head about does not slow down other applications in an unpredictable way.
No, the application may be SQL server doing the replication, without the need for a shared storage system connected to by both servers.
Likewise a message queue store all incoming requests as well as sending them to the application is a lot safer, then any block level replication. As if there is a bug in the application, the messages can be replay, but all the block level replication will have just replicated bad data.
SANs provide lots of value in backup, snapshots etc, they just can’t move data fast enough between themselves and the servers.
So put the SAN in the same box as the server and use a PCI bus to connect them together.
Then expend the PCI bus outside of the box, so they just have to be in the same rack….
Today a lot of programmers spend their life getting rich writing the software for HFT.
Thank how much better off we would be if these programmer were doing something of benefit to the world. E.g. better usage of resources, cutting down on the time governments take to process forms etc.
In the UK the top university students go to work for the banks, they don’t create much employment for “normal” people. In other part of the EU, the top students go to work for engineering companies that make products and employ a lot of “normal” people. The UK bankers then spend their money buying these top quality products….
I don’t think so, a large number of government Windows NT machines are still in use due to internal “websites” that only work with IE6.
Then there are the consumers that just don’t understand, I know a few people that are still using XP that cannot understand what a OS is, yet alone that you may have to upgrade one. They have whatever software that come with their PC.