* Posts by Leona

9 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Mar 2008

Don't like your phone's look? Then build your own


its colourful.

Well I like the idea, brings a bit of style to the normal boring "Grey" mobile market, be able to make the phone individual and personal to you, I will be interested to see if the idea makes it to market, but sadly I guess it will not as the boring "grey" brigade will kill it off.

WD pitches 'rainbow' selection of coloured hard drives


Ya colour

Hey its nice to see some colour in the IT world, I do get tired of boring bland grey devices, lets have some colour.

I was just about to order one of these drives a few months ago (only black then) then then went out of stock, so glad to see they are back.

Oh ya and its nice they power from the sub, no more carrying around awkward bulky power supplies.

HP launches Linux-loaded Eee PC rival


boyz & toyz

What are you guys like, so it doesn't matter how 'good' a product is, as long as there is a blonde 'babe' using it, you'll buy it? suckers!

It is good to see another manufacture taking Linux seriously and putting it on their devices, I'll give them a point for that.

Thailand cracks down on cut-price castrations


So you think its funny do you?

I see from some of the comments that this posses some sort of amusement or entertainment to some, where others don't understand why.

Lets say I know a little about this subject and why people have to do this, its not just the look as the story suggests, the testicles are also where the bodies main testosterone is produced, which is unwanted. It saves having to take suppression drugs, which also can cause complications.

Suffice to say I don't see this as a joke or a laughing matter, find the article and some of the comments actually rather offensive and distasteful, clearly showing a lack of understanding of the problems and prejudice that people with GID have to face.

Ubuntu does bird beta


Hoping is better than 7.10

I do hope that the 8.04 LTS release is better than the 7.10, which is completely unstable, numerous threads and bug reports of it just locking up for no reason, with no feedback or fixes from the developers. Was really getting confident with Ubuntu and Linux before I installed 7.10, and I know I'm not the only one who's had problems with it. Should have stayed with 7.04. :(

Hoping they put more time into testing too, so that silly little bugs like the start up screen in silly high res, doesn't happen again.

I wish they would concentrate efforts into making a stable core system for everyone, before adding all the flashy graphics and wizzy stuff which we'll just turn off after 5 minutes anyway.

Please just give me a rock solid OS, that I can rely on and doesn't fall over every time I try to use it. is that too much to ask?

The USB wedding ring


re: Footballers, Chavs, Trailer Trash

of which none of them would know 'how' to use one, at least the device would last longer than most of their marriages :)

Asus to offer Linux-less Eee PCs globally


Re: Re:XP On 4Gb ya right

Hi Andy, well yes that was the point I was trying to make, so you 'could' install XP, but that would be it, as you'd not be able to install anything else. Its from experience of trying to install XP on small drives, I found anything smaller than 10Gb and your wasting your time with M$ (unless you use 95/98/SE).

And as others have mentioned its constant disk accessing and page file swapping means it'll kill the drive in no time.

Ok well each to their own I guess, just I don't think XP is suitable for this type of device, they'd probably be better off putting M$ WM6 rather than XP on it.

Thumb Down

XP On 4Gb ya right

So they've managed to stuff XP into a 4gb packages, they must have left a lot of stuff out, M$ bloatware normally will not fit on a 10gb partition let along a 4gb drive!

Shame I thought Asus would be the first manufacture to stand up to M$ and say we're not having that $h1te on our computer! These machine seem still very few and far between in the UK, not seen any with the colour choices, only white, sill looking forward to the 2nd gen models.

IT industry needs more women


Why would they want to?

Think women (unlike myself) are more intelligent than that, why would they want to join an industry that is recognised to be one of the most stressful, most depressing and the least rewarded industries, don't make the same mistake as me, steer well clear of IT!