Hoping is better than 7.10
I do hope that the 8.04 LTS release is better than the 7.10, which is completely unstable, numerous threads and bug reports of it just locking up for no reason, with no feedback or fixes from the developers. Was really getting confident with Ubuntu and Linux before I installed 7.10, and I know I'm not the only one who's had problems with it. Should have stayed with 7.04. :(
Hoping they put more time into testing too, so that silly little bugs like the start up screen in silly high res, doesn't happen again.
I wish they would concentrate efforts into making a stable core system for everyone, before adding all the flashy graphics and wizzy stuff which we'll just turn off after 5 minutes anyway.
Please just give me a rock solid OS, that I can rely on and doesn't fall over every time I try to use it. is that too much to ask?