* Posts by Kathy du Buisson

2 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Mar 2008

El Reg decimates English language

Kathy du Buisson
IT Angle

It is interesting....

Unless I have missed a comment, noone has asked where the IT relevance is. Maybe, because we are in IT, then we are more concerned with the consistent meaning of terminology. Or possibly we are now so old we can still remember being taught English grammar as a particular subject.

Yes... English is an evolving language - just note the number of words which have a foreign origin. But (note my advancement by my use of a word which should never start a sentence) I do not believe that the language should be driven by the technology originating in Redmond.

I live in Australia but am English in origin. Why do I have to spell words such as Organisation as Organization? Apparently either of the 's' and 'z' variations are acceptable in Oz (is this how to keep one eye on both balls?) but If I want to keep consistency for my preference for 's' over 'z' then I have to accept a UK keyboard layout which means my @ is in the wrong place on the keyboard, the \ has disappeared and a whole load of other characters are either displaced or disappeared.

To me, this is the wrong way to evolve a language.

And more power to @ all this pedantry... apostrophes rule and I hate split infinitives as well as "off of"

Kathy du Buisson


Don't you mean fewer?