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I live near Penny lane in Liverpool and after many years of streetsigns going missing the council ended up painting them straight onto the brickwork.
Driving to Cockermouth always raises a smile from me for some reason.
10 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Mar 2008
if your bank deposits 3.9 million in to your account by accident, could you then transfer it to another savings account, wait for the bank to get in touch a few days/weeks later, transfer the money back when they ask for it (after 4 working days). Then keep any interest accrued
OK lets get real here, I am a man and would have to think more than twice before going out on a "spacewalk" never mind having the "balls" to even take lift off in the shuttle. Add that to the fact of fiddling about with handtools in a pair of space gloves, I really think the girl needs some sympathy.