* Posts by Luke Watson

6 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Mar 2008

Reverse-engineering artist busts face detection tech

Luke Watson


errrr. yeah, cover your face. thats one way to stay hidden...

Boffins build 'slow glass' light-trapping nanodoughnut

Luke Watson

Buffer Overflow

how do they store all the photons? is it a one in one out system? im worried they might get a buffer overflow.

and yeah, 'unfeasibly tight ring' heh heh.

California train smash driver sent text seconds before disaster

Luke Watson

The times sound very close to me

i would hope that it would take more than a minute for a missed red light to cause a fatal accident. why are the trains so close?

Custom-car creator preps electric Porsche

Luke Watson


I assume you mean Ruf later in the article? or is Tuf a different company... i not being sarcastic, im just interested.

Vendors launch sticker chart to boost 3G take-up

Luke Watson

Open Office

if i saw that logo on a smart phone, i would just assume it had Open Office installed on it...

iPhone may sidestep rubbish caller ID suit

Luke Watson

simple matter of wording

could Apple not get around the problem by simply saying that their system uses software and not hardware (suggested in the patent explanation (circuitry) ) to conduct caller ID??

does this mean that ALL the other mobile phone companies license this caller id system? i think not.