What time is it Mr Wolf?
I posted this elsewhere but it seems particularly appropriate for this story.
How do you think Britain has ended up being the most surveilled society on the planet?
Inch by inch, step by step, all the time saying 'This will make us better at catching the bad guys.'
What time is it Mr Wolf?
'It's time for me to introduce one more database to make sure you and the kiddies are safe from the bad people.'
What time is it Mr Wolf?
'It's time that we shared all that info with all those approved authorities that might want to see it.'
What time is it Mr Wolf?
'It's time to make sure that we know who everyone is so we can tell if you're a bad person.'
What time is it Mr Wolf?
'It's time for you to STOP ASKING QUESTIONS!'
Look around, just exactly how much better is this country than anywhere else? How much worse? I'm trying to avoid descending into some kind of paranoid rant here but if the problem is crime and we're told that the solution is surveillance (cameras, dna databases, id cards etc), seeing that we have more of that now than ever in history shouldn't we expect a significantly lower rate of crime?
And I'm not talking about the single digit percentage figures that every government likes to suck it's own dick over, I'm talking 10%, 20%, 50%. Obviously surveillance isn't doing that.
(As an aside, I do know that there are probably thousands of examples where CCTV has been a positive influence.)
Which leaves us with another question. If surveillance is the solution but crime isn't the problem it's solving - then why is it there?
Answers on a miltary-grade encrypted postcard thanks.