This isn't relevant but...
...frankly that never usually stops anyone. I just wanted to say:
'Chad Hurley'?
'Chad'? 'Hurley'?
Could it be a more comedy American name?
I'm getting it...
388 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Mar 2008
I tried explaining something like that to a couple of Jehovah's witnesses once (i was bored), I threw in the 'Religion is something we need to grow out of.' as well. They left confused. I know they were confused as they didn't leave a copy of the Watchtower.
As an aside, how many of these spasers can you fit on the head of a sea monkey?
The appear to be on the verge of something that reflects electromagnetic energy even light! (If they can the it right)
That'd be a mirror then would it?
Has anyone got their number? I better tell them I've got half a dozen of these things in various shapes and sizes around my house. My wife even has a protable one in her purse!
I very recently went to Sky from Virgin, obviously my main phone socket is now all BT. All I want to know is:
a) Do you think that the engineer would've disconnected the bell wire?
b) How do I identify it so that I can check for myself? (Most important)
Thanks in advance for your help.
I wouldn't be too quick to mock Sergie, I'm guessing that your surname is fairly infrequent so maybe it IS a relative that you don't know about.
$8.5M US?
Got to be worth a try.
Go on.
You'd regret it if you didn't.
It's just there waiting for you.
Give it a call.
C. Duyi
You assume too much. But then that seems to be the problem with pretty much all of your arguments on this subject.
P.S. Oh and just so you know the use of capitals like that is generally considered a bit shouty (not to mention the multiple !'s)
P.P.S. Why am I even bothering to reply? Your comments seem, to me at least, to be so much trolling wrapped up in pretentiousness Damn it, now I've wasted another 30 seconds of my life typing this.
...but seriously all I can do is shake my head at the multitude of fucked up, misinformed, conservative, tabloid, lowest common denominator, backwards opinions that have been voiced here. I shake my head at you El Reg commenters I really do.
Medal to you Sarah Bee for putting up with it.
If you can find one man let alone a couple that you can fertilise with any amount of man juice then you better get the papers lined up pretty sharpish cos there'll be plenty of money to be made.
@ 'old fashioned'
Seriously, have you just teleported in from the 70's with a copy of the Sun?
Final point - given this and the 'devil girls' story I'm moving to Sweden. Man's in demand! Do they pay cash at donation clinics? The next generation of Swedes could all look like me! Actually in that case I probably shouldn't go.
I'm sure we're all agreed CP is a bad thing and that restricting access to CP is a good thing.
However, what makes this operation, whichever country it is, a VERY bad thing is the way in which the system is massively open to abuse and indeed appears to encourage a kind of 'as wide as we can get away with' philosophy to censorship.
Nobody with any sense trusts the people that make these decisions, nobody with an ounce of critical analysis ability is going to trust that the people making these decisions won't be following their own narrow-minded, sexually repressed, conservative (deliberate small 'c') agenda and nobody trusts the people making these decisions not to expand their censorship regime to anything else at all that they deem inappropriate. It's already happening and it's only going to get worse.
How long before 'opposing political views' are on the list? Oh, hang on...
P.S. I've depressed myself with this post.
P.P.S. How long before we have to go back to disseminating controversial informatrion by print? At least that way when they kick your door in you'll have given them the trouble of having to move the printing presses themselves (though they'd probably charge you for it).
I second that.
And add I'm quite looking forward to the host of nodes stretching from here to Mars enabling effective comms with our new colony. (Ok maybe optimistic but the parts are coming together)
Sometimes, just sometimes you get the small feeling that the future really is just around the corner.
The world would be a duller place if they all went 'Oh, look at that, we did walk on the Moon. Wow, I appear to have wasted a siginificant portion of my life. I suppose I ought to get on and get a hobby that's a bit less mental.'
Every loon we lose, is one less person to make us smile (or to laugh at depending on how cruel you're feeling).
Is there anyone out there in the Reg comment wasteland that used to believe the conspiracy theory but now doesn't?
I've said it before but why is it deemed perfectly fine to portray murder and violence but some kind of heinous evil to portray kinky sex between two consenting adults?
Is it only me that finds that a deeply unhealthy attitude?
So let's encourage people to be desensitised to violence and to be massively uptight about sexual expression. My feeling is, though INE, is that this isn't just storing up problems for the future but actively encouraging them!
This would be the one with the other 3 takes of Neil Armstrong coming down the steps and fluffing his lines? Or maybe the take in which, amusingly, a studio light fell over into shot just as the flag was being planted? Or maybe the one in which some tech cad had placed a large Clanger doll in the background?
Australia isn't the only country with that kind of schizophrenia towards sex and violence. Just take a look at the greatest split-personality suffering country of all - America. You can watch someone being dismembered limb by limb much easier than you can see two people having consensual sex.
Anyone but me think that's slightly unhealthy?
As for mainstream TV, Family Guy put it best.
'They will clean up all your talking in a menace such as this
They will make you take a tinkle when you want to take a p*ss
And they'll make you call fellatio a trouser-friendly kiss
It's the plain situation!
There's no negiotiation!
With the fellows at the freakin FCC!'
Burn 'em all.
...is the blatant racial(racist) stereotyping in kids movies. Be it a bug, a lion, or (as i watched recently) a happy tapping penguin. Taking the penguin as an example the lead was blatantly 'caucasian' in mannerisms, accent etc and protrayed in penguin chick colouring i.e. a white face, throughout the movie despite the timeline for the movie being so long that a real penguin would have long shed their fluff and developed into the usual black faced penguin. His love interest and most of the other 'good' penguins of his type (stereotyped 'Mexican' penguins aside) had the adult colouring and were protrayed as stereotypically 'black' in their accent and mannerisms.
Again, Simba taken alone would be probably be classed as 'white' by an observer shown only his performance. A white African (excluding white South Africans obviously)? Come on Disney, Pixar etc etc is it really that dangerous to have a 'black' character as the lead?
Ccan someone name one animated movie character that is black and has the lead role?
You could of course go into the underlying messages used by most of mainstream cinema i.e. black characters when not the lead usually being the tech expert or mechanic also frequently being disabled in some way, but this is particularly concerning because it's being fed to the most impressionable. (Won't somebody think of the children?!)
We got one the other day too.
Amused to see the distinct lack of anyone on the leaflet that appeared to be of a non-Anglo Saxon origin. Although given the fact that they used a Polish Spitfire, chances are the people pictured are Lithuanian immigrants or something similar. That would be just too funny.
Surely, the financial sector has tools that carry out this kind of work already? They obviously fucked up badly or were just ignored but I'd be surprised if the banking world didn't already have some seriously powerful market prediction tools to hand.
Maybe DARPA could improve on that instead of starting at the 'How many peas have I got?' level?
Added bonus it might just pay for itself as they went along.
..I was planning on adding something constructive, possibly witty to this ongoing 'debate' (slaughter may be a more accurate word).
Instead I'd just like to say hurrah to all those that responded to the goading (intentional or not) of Phorm and it's stooges in an empassioned, reasoned, well thought out and logical manner (MInionZero I'm looking at you for one). It's easy for us, me included, to descend into 'frothing at the mouth incoherent white faced' rage at what Phorm is trying to accomplish and there's a need for folks such as yourselves to retain some semblance of sanity amidst the lunacy that emerges from both sides of this argument.
As for the frothing at the mouth anti-phormites, the ones that can't manage more than a sentence without resorting to all caps, numerous expletives, spelling mistakes and multiple exclamation marks.
We love you too.
In fact, the only people that around here that really won't be feeling the love are THE BUNCH OF LOWER THAN A SNAKES BALLS, BLACK HEARTED CUNTS THAT ARE PHORM!
I mean really, if a measure of a man is the friends he keeps then the fact that this seemingly morally vacant, soulless, worm of a man has joined with Phorm says it all.
Arrr, I be a privacy pirate too!
Re: 1984 - I think we should all be grateful that we live in a time when we can actually see fiction become reality. A horrific, soul-destroying, prison of a reality to be sure but nonetheless quite interesting to watch from the perspective of anyone awake enough to be aware of what's going on e.g. anyone with more than just glimmer of sense.