Dennis Leary had it right
I've got two words for don henley.... Joe Walsh.
54 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Apr 2007
personally I hate both companies, i just laughed at all this hubub, until Steve Jobs started attacking open video codecs. if it is his view that no video platform can be free from patents, then there can be nothing but closed source computing, and thus, software patents need to be eliminated. patents are there to enhance the evolution of technology for the benefit of society, not to line the wallets of troll patent lawyers.
'She predicted always considering communications data will lead to a 20 per cent increase in the productivity of CID teams.'
ok, why is this a good thing? the police's goal should be to reduce the number of arrests/convictions, not to increase them. They won't be happy until everyone who is not a cop, has been removed from society 'for our protection'.
what the heck is wrong with the UK these last 5 years?
um, most sites TOS requires that you never give away your username and password. in fact the TOS on the Bozeman TV news site linked in TFA includes this passage in it's terms of service:
You are given access to any password-protected area of the Web site when you are given permission and a password to enter such area. You may not distribute your password to others, but if you wish to authorize another individual to use your password, you must request permission from WorldNow in writing, with the understanding that WorldNow is under no obligation to approve any such request. You are responsible for all uses of your password and any and all damages to WorldNow and this Station resulting from the distribution of your password, whether or not authorized by you. "
Now correct me if I'm wrong, but didn;t the prosecutors in the recent myspace impersonation/susicide case, try to charge the defendant with felonious "computer hacking" because she violated the TOS?
I had a few good laughs looking at the blogspot thread on this topic, but obviously, there are some key peices of slang I need explained. primarily 'NWN', 'Reds', and 'Rebels'.
I'm also confused on how 'anti fascist scumbag' is an insult. I would thank anyone who threw that in my face.
This thread proves rather obviously, the converse is also true, being anti-ubuntu is about hate. Frankly AC, if your software skills are that weak, then yes, you should be afraid of FOSS. in an Open world, your code would be know far and wide as sub-standard. Myself, I'm learning python and PHP.
He produces a bloated, ineffective, system killing peice of software that monitors everything my system does. And he doesn't respect my privacy (scratch that, he doesn't even believe I DESERVE privacy).
Yes I think I'll give that person my money. when pigs land on mars.
well It's pretty easy to isolate a process from the network. My firewall asked if I wanted to Allow SoreApp.exe access to user files, system processes, and the Network. the answers were yes (for saves and creatures), no, no.
if you block the exe from hitting the net, then you can be pretty sure it isn;t sending data anywhere, especially if you deny it the right to indirectly access other processes.
firstly, i won't deign to dirty myself by responding to your remark on spelling.
secondly, your right Java did mess up deprecation by failing to remove the bad methods after the next version. Based on the ARBs statements about CAD stuff needing to last longer, I am pretty sure they will not be willing to deal with the deprecated methods being removed in version 3.1, 3.2, 5.9, or even fricken 20.5 etc.
thirdly, I give not a wick about DX, but I will say, their backward compatibility is not stopping them from moving forward the way they want, while the status quo for OGL prevents the use of the new Object model.
you're quite correct, the only alternative is to drop the old model. The conservatives are going to keep pushing to maintain the status quo no matter how many revisions those methods are deprecated, so unless they receive proper impetus to update their obsolete code, they will just keep blocking the way forward for the rest of us.
Well actually it's amusing that you mention extensions. they are the core of the problem. Extensions need not be implemented by a driver/card manufacture because they are not part of the core spec. much of the promise made with LP was to move this functionality into the core spec/API so that all vendors would have to support it to maintian OGL compliance.
because depracation worked soooo well for java right? I still see deprecated methods from java 1 (1.1) in the SDK 1.6.
Warning Autocad to update it software sometime in the next 6 months is not likely to help since they had more than 6 months since abandoning Longs Peak. if it would jsut have taken them 6 months, they could have already done it and we would all be happy with the new obj model.
besides they could just use the outdated runtime instead of screwing the rest of us.
I am told that the reason the CAD/CAM folks won't accept a fork or branch, is that they don't want to miss out on all the improvements in direct access and what not. they want to have their cake, and mine, and yours too.
this of course indicates that they never plan to upgrade their old clunkers and all this talk about deprecation and eventual removal is bollocks.
It's easy to ensure this does not happen again.
just remove your crap DRM and *voila*.... Problem solved.
and these same companies want congress to grant them the ability to perform "self help" by allowing them to remotely disable anyone's software.
It mostly used to be that way, until GWB. The war on terrorism is really just an expression of the neocon xenophobia, and yes that breeds laws that provide rights to citizens alone.
but at the same time, this particular policy (I can't call a blatent violation of the 4th and 8th amendments a law) does apply to everyone. everyone gets screwed....
American law is somewhat schizophrenic when it comes to minors. they have legal responsibilities but not rights in most cases. for isntance a minors signature is not legally binding in many cases, and technically they cannot own property. all of a childs property is owned by their legal guardians.
and that is to create Jean Luc Picard and a ship for him to ride arround in. come on folks, we only have about 400 years to work with here. we gotta get the lead out.
Seriously, we should be less worried about exactly what type of number crunching we can do to calculate the density of dust on the moon. we need to just focus on living there. the more obscure science can wait until we have a summer house up there.
it's ubuntu. I can deal with the functionality issues, but between M$ and HP, they have made it clear that I am not in charge of my PC, they are. It was about then that I turned away, n'er to return.
How bout they listen to the consumer rather than the Pro IP groups?
Trusted computing can not be trusted.
Methinks the gentleman is missing the point. Social Networks aren't supposed to DO ANYTHING, except provide a medium in which to he social. the point is not to sell stuff to the users, or accomplish any other goal.
Damn business. they'd charge us for licensing just to talk to a friend if they could.
Hey Profiteers! everything you've heard about the internet is false. leave it alone, so the rest of us can enjoy it. you won't make a red cent off me.
Your forgetting several of the pillars of American law. the first is "Innocent until proven guilty", and to support that, we have concepts like the 5th amendment rights, and most importantly burden of proof. the prosecution is tasked with proving the guilt of the defendant. if the defendant we're to hold the burden of proof, then it would be guilty until proven innocent.
the cost of freedom is that you have to occasionally let bad stuff happen, because in order to prevent it, you give away your freedom. to be free you have to take a black-eye every once in a while.
to watch all your hard work at IANA be so easily turned against your ideals must be hard. I have to wonder what would have happened if he was still alive.
Sad days we live in... Jon believed that the Internet was part of the public trust, and not to be run by corporations or governments. Now it's run by a corporation that calls itself a government.