iOS9 screwed up Periscope on my iPad Mini
I'd been streaming from my iPad Mini successfully using Periscope but since "upgrading" to iOS9 I've had to fall back on my Android phone to stream. That's OK, but the image is flipped L2R.
14 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Mar 2008
Yes, this bothers me too, but I don't see what else they can do, given the commanding heights Israel has over the Middle East, thanks to the connivance of such as Blair.
Why is Israel doing this? Well, as David Hare said, experiencing the frustrating delays at Israeli checkpoints throughout the West Bank, because they can.
But also the Israelis are well aware that, even in its currently crippled state, mobile phones play an important role in the resistance, intifadas etc. I bet they'd like to do like Saddam Hussein did in Iraq, and ban them completely in Palestine.
BTW, please don't use "retard" as a term of abuse. It is insulting to all who suffer mental health problems, who ought to be treated with the same respect as other disabled persons.
I installed RTM on my Toshiba Equium A100 with no problems, except that it would not update, so first I had to back up all my data and then had to reinstall my apps.
My general impression was good: speedier, less of that infuriating wait looking at the "not responding" message (why couldn't it say "working", which is what Vista really means?).
However, in my radio work I use Stereo Mix on a daily basis, but found that there was no way I could enable it. (The Toshiba Equium I use had stereo mix working, though it needed a bit of tweaking).
Does anyone know if the Win7 Ultimate I now have will allow me to use stereo mix?
The Scottish Environment Protection Agency said: "It is not possible to make a direct comparison between a civilian and a military site because the MoD has an exemption from the 1993 Radioactive Substances Act.
"At a civilian installation, we could be considering suspending certain activities until improvements have been made in the essential equipment, operating procedures and training to prevent a recurrence of an unauthorised release.
"We have not said, as has been implied, that we would have closed HMNB Clyde if we had the regulatory power.
"What we have said is that, for the protection of the environment, it is essential that the management of HMNB Clyde operates to the same high standards that would be expected were they regulated."
We get the usual declension:: Xerox PARC begat the Mac, Mac begat Windows. Not true. Before either the Mac or Windows, there was Digital Research's GEM, which was better than either. But it didn't multi-task (nor did the others, but they used rapid task switching to look like they did). DR played with similar quasi-multitasking (I had a beta) but surrendered when Windows was beginning its conquest of the world.
And don't forget IBM's OS/2, AKA Presentation Manager, which for a time MS was thinking of making the successor to Windows, as it could run under the Protected Mode of the Intel 80286 processor and could access up to 16MB of memory. When the IBM/MS partnership fell apart, PM became Windows NT.
And where does DesqView fit in this story? For a time I was running Windows 2 (which ran in real mode) under DesqView (protected mode), which allowed me to run multiple Windows more efficiently.
I've got an EEE PC & would like to run some of my familiar Windows apps without going the full XP-install route. So far, every time I try to install it, my system hangs.
Hasn't any Linux buff ever managed to create the equivalent of a DOS batch file that will do it all for me?
What I want is a small laptop friendly trackball to replace that stupid supplied gadget that requires two hands to operate anything like efficiently. I've got three Logitech trackballs that I use on my laptop and two other desktop machines, but the laptop one's far too big for the bag I use. There used to be some really small trackballs that clipped onb the side of the screen, and if anyone has one they'd like to offer up on eBay I'd be a customer.
I'm basically a demo singer (thought I've made a few pence from the Spinners' recording of my Family of Man song). And I'm happy if people pick up my songs and start making them their own.
So I make them available, on my website ( or via YouTube etc.
Bragg, of course, works primarily in the commercial sector so I suppose he has different priorities. I live on my old age pension (which is why I'm currently touring the country by bus to publicise the pensioners' free bus pass and collect signatures for a petition to get it extended to the whole of UK, 24/7).
Copyright is part of the capitalist system to which I (and I assume Bragg) am totally opposed.