Windows only?
Does anyone, including Nuance, know an easy way to use Dragon with Ubuntu? (many people do not trust Microsoft after the Vista con)
5 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Mar 2008
The Corridor, as visualised in the film Disclosure (based on the Michael Crichton novel), was far more advanced than Apple's proposals. And surely most Virtual Reality illustrations, in most of their vaguely defined examples, include the basics of the Apple proposed patents?
Can I patent the wheelbarrow next?
Suddenly the pieces of the conspiracy fit together, because that's what I'm now convinced it is.
I've got a newish (June 07) Toshiba Equium laptop. It's got an "Intel Pentium dual core inside" and "Windows Vista" sticker on it, staring at me from the keyboard. I'm miles from any assistance with a slow 3G internet connection so downloads take forever unless I borrow a broadband line. so I feel treble-whammied by the industrial power of the Corporations and intimidated by the technical problems which face me daily from the blue screen.
"Windows can search for a solution next time you go online" has never come back with a response of any sort. And that sums it up: the silence of couldn't-care-less, turn-our-backs-on-their-problems, we've-got-Corporations-to-run management.