Why me?!
Why is it always the gaming sites that I'm registered with that get hacked?!!
15 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Feb 2008
I too at first thought it was strange that they didn't mention that you should use an OS or web browser that is not as prone to attacks as Microsoft's. Then it occurred to me that it must be the fear of legal action from Microsoft if the BBC were to suggest that its software was not as safe as other products.
I'm not sure why Birmingham is being singled out apart from the fact they've had some trouble in the past. Every council these days has some sort of web filtering system complete with a strict Internet and email usage policy. I'm sure most council workers accept it too. After all, it's not our gear.
It's quite obvious now that most people don't want to upgrade their operating systems every few years. They just occasionally want small useful bits added to what they've already got. They don't want radical redesigns where nothing works properly any more.
And the problem Microsoft and the whole PC industry has is that people are hanging on to their PCs longer. You don't need a computer with the power to predict weather patterns just to send a few emails and surf the net. So even sales of operating systems that come with new PCs may start to fall soon..certainly in the West.
Microsoft needs a new business plan!