* Posts by radian

77 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Feb 2008


Lockheed offers ready-to-go supersoldier exoskeleton



In the video, the exoskeleton seems to be playing music constantly. I think that would P*ss me off after a while.

Also, my mates watch cost 200 pounds and I'm pretty sure I could carry that unaided.

Hollywood to totally recall Total Recall



I suggest Jordan as the bimbo with 3 baps and Jo Brand as a mutant. I also quite like the idea of Tom Cruise playing that robotic cabbie and Woody Allen as Quade.

UFO wind turbine prang site: Exclusive photos


Quality stuff

Is it Friday again already?

McKinnon lawyers push for UK trial


@ Derivation of "Bubba"

Thanks for the explanation Mark. The sarcasm was a bit unnecessary though.

Paris Hilton


Am I the only one who doesn't understand the Bubba reference?

I'm too scared to look it up at work in case the search brings up 'undesirable' web pages.

Windows for Warships™ reaches Royal Navy frigates

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@AC @Jeremy

I come for the smugness, but stay for the waffle.

Last Xmas for CDs, please, researcher tells music biz

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I don't buy a lot of music these days because 99% of it is total sh*t.

Poxy girls bands, poxy boy bands, talentless bimbo's who look good but can't sing, lyrics predictably about sex or how much money the 'artist' (Ha!) has got or how many f*cking car's they own and what dumb wheels they've put on it, and then to cap it all they go making up words because they're limited vocabulary prevents them from using real words to form a rhyme.

It's all b*ll*cks.

How the hell do you turn off the Twat-o-tron once its engaged?

PS3's Home to debut tomorrow


@ Am I the only PS3 owner

No, you're not.

Home looked interesting at first (all those years ago...) but the delays have given me time to realise that it has nothing to offer... like FaceBook.

I like FPS's though.

I also like Marmite.

DARPA orders 'fridge-sized' laser energy cannon



Isn't that what Phorm delivers?

Road-legal 125mph prototype electric superbike demo'd



Nice looking Bike, but why does the outfit in the background of the second picture look like its been kicked in the beanbag?

Counter-terror police arrest Tory frontbencher

Black Helicopters


Are there any boxes left to tick in the 'create your own Nazi state' handbook'?

Ballmer's bid to swerve 'Vista Capable' row comes unstuck



The judge sounds pissed off. Bet she's one of the many people who were forced to go back to XP.

Story withdrawn



Picking just one out of that list was seriously difficult.

I would've preferred to give a mark out of ten for each.

Anyway, it's pub time....

Retro piracy - Should the Royal Navy kick arse?



Surely the best way to stop piracy is to introduce them to health and safety.

I for one would be interested in reading their risk assessment and I'm pretty sure that the news footage showed no sign of high-visibility clothing.

Grand Theft Auto obsessive jailed for sex attacks

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reduced sentence?

This is becoming a bit too predictable. Accused of dodgy behaviour? Play the GTA card.

But does it actually benefit the accused?

The DNA database and you


@ David Mery

Thanks for clearing that up.

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not unique?

I'm pretty sure that although they take your whole DNA sequence, when it comes to checking for criminal activity they only look at certain markers, not the whole sequence. If that's correct, then your chances of being wrongly accused of a crime are a lot higher than is generally thought and a nightmare to prove your innocence.

I seem to remember reading about a guy who was accused of rape after his DNA was matched to that which was found on the victim. Problem was he was white and even though the victim repeatedly told the police the attacker was black, the police wouldn't back down because as far as they were concerned, the DNA evidence was beyond doubt.

Although the guy was eventually found to be innocent, his life had been ruined by this but it's ok because he had nothing to hide or fear.

Yes! It's the Darth Vader breakfast toaster


kitchen appliances

What next? A freezer with a Carbonite and Hoth settings?

Yes that's a crap joke but I don't care because its gone 12 and I'm leaving work...

MP calls for Jezza Clarkson's head

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Chris Mole - A sad little politician desperately trying to raise his profile.

PETA goes ape over Sega chimp advert


what's the prob?

The fat monkey seemed to be having a good time, and so did the chimp.

SanDisk pitches 100x SSD speed boost tech


quick question...

'.....will accelerate SSD random write speeds by a factor of 100'.

100x faster than what? Their current SSDs (which are pretty slow to start with)? The intel X-25M? An Mtron Pro?

I still want one anyway.

Demand for consoles, add-ons skyrockets as PC games plunge


for me, it was the cost

The last game I bought on the PC was STALKER, and it was great, but then my motherboard packed up and due to my system being a bit old I thought I'd build a new one.

The graphics card alone would've about 300 quid so I bought a PS3 instead (please don't attack me xbox fanboys).

With regards to someone's comments regarding FPS's with a joypad being a bit crap, I'll admit that the first month was a nightmare, but after a while I got used to it.

School to hand out e-textbooks


bloody kids

'…..designed to help reduce the number of pupils carrying heavy book bags around…'

Oh boo-hoo! Poor little kiddies!

I thought we were supposed to be lowering the rate of child hood obesity? I say make them carry stone tablets around with them.

Barack Obama will be president

IT Angle


People voted for Obama because they think they're going to get something like that guy on 24.

At the end of the day though, all politicians are lying b*stards.

That being said, I probably would've voted for Obama but one chrome turd is the same as another.

Jezza Clarkson cops flak for 'truckers murder strumpets' gag



I personally don't like Jo Brand. I find her offensive to look at and listen too. I can't wait for the day she does something to offend the general public so I can use it as an excuse to complain and hopefully get her off TV.

Its a shame we can't get rid of politicians so easily.

Violent video games <coin flip> ARE linked to child aggression

Paris Hilton


Oh no, I meant to type 'allowed', not 'aloud'.

How embarrassing.

Paris: Because she wouldn't know the difference.

Paris Hilton

CoD 8 - An Unpleasant Scuffle

I suppose the next Call of Duty will have weapons such as the dreaded pea-shooter or a balloon on a stick. Get 8 Chinese burns in a row and you can activate a super weapon whereby everyone has to sit down for a nice cup of tea and a slice of toast.

Are you still aloud to use the term 'Chinese burn' or is it deemed to be racist?

I can't keep up with all this politically correct BS.

US air force inks 'tactical' space-war deal


@ TeeCee

Ha! Good one!

US Navy SEAL uniforms: Now with built-in tourniquets



Didn't have time for lunch today, so technically that's worse than having a Twix, I think.

I intend to make up for it tomorrow though.

I finish at midday on Friday so I'm going to a nice quiet pub for steak and chips and a beverage or two.

Paris Hilton

@ Tim

Your lunch sounds yummy.

I think I'll stick with the bottled water though. Working in London means there's a good chance the tap water has passed through several politicians already.

That thought alone is enough to bring my Twix up.

Where's the 'I had a crap lunch and metioned it in the comments section of the Register' icon?


Twix for lunch = reduced brain power

TWAT = The War Against Terror

I should've got that.

I need a holiday.

Paris Hilton

@AC - TWAT in title


I don't know. Maybe its something to do with the tampon reference but I too would ilke clarification.

I'd just like to say that my lunch today consists of a Twix and a bottle of water. This is a new low for me.

High-speed train toilet attempts to eat Frenchman



What phone was it?

It'd have to be bloody good for me to rummage round the u-band of my own bog, let alone a public khazi.

Actually, thinking about it, I haven't got a copy of my phones address book so I'd probably have to.

Bioshock sequel teaser trailer now showing



I played Bioshock on the PC when it first came out, it was ok, pretty good in some places but I personally thought it was a bit overated. Once completed, I never felt the urge to play it again. (I never had a problem with bugs or crashes though)

Downloaded and completed the PS3 demo, can't say I'll be playing it again.

Played Far Cry 2 over the weekend, now THAT kicked ass.

Gamers cash in on LittleBigPlanet delay



I haven't seen this many anonymous posts since the 'Church of Scientology' stories.

@bluesxman - You're funny :-)

Govt ponders proof-of-ID law for future phone purchases

Black Helicopters

@AC @Just me, or has Britain lost it?

'I suspect he would, if he could get away with it, have us all chipped like dogs and cats so that some secrete police with an RF scanner would be able to locate us at the push of a button.'

Sounds ridiculous now, but I'm sure that's where we're heading.

London and Wales to get fast fibre



I worked in Muswell Hill telephone exchange on a couple of occasions.

There used to be a bloke who worked there who loved his radio and if you turned it down/off or changed the channel, he'd go completely bananas.

He was actually a nice guy, just as long as you didn't touch is radio...

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40Mb seems slow, and as Stuart has already asked, what's the upload speed going to be?

Anyway, its all irrelevant to me. If I'm forced to go through Phorm equipment, BT can f**k right off.

Crazy Japanese earthquake game makes shaky debut



Why would the Japanese pay to have a go on an earthquake simulator? I mean, surely they experience the real thing often enough don't they?

Its a bit like living in Deptford, and then paying to have a go on a sh*t hole simulator, or the Gordon Brown simulator that keeps taking your money but gives nothing in return.

UK.gov £12bn comms überdatabase 'wouldn't spot terrorists'


überdatabase 'wouldn't spot terrorists'...

It would if we all paid more tax. More tax = problem solved.

Well that's what I've been led to believe anyway...

Sega to launch PSP beater in 2009



I just got back from the West End. If I'd read this earlier I would've gone an had a look.

Its bloody busy up there today.

DVLA: A licence to bill


just a thought...

Can't the woman who over slept in the car park do what BT did and play the 'no criminal intent' card?

Reg reader completely loses the plot


missed rant opportunity

I can't even begin to imagine what that guy would've thought if Amanfrommars had commented.

Another London BT exchange hit by thieves


crap security

Up until a couple of years ago I worked in telephone exchanges all over the country.

This kind of theft was quite common. I knew people who were frequently called out to see why an ISP had lost all its connections, only to find the equipment had been pinched.

We were also advised to keep an eye out for suspicious characters when working nights.

Police drop BT-Phorm probe



I can't think of anything else to add.

Vertu's back...



How about a 'Chrome Turd' icon?

Google's Street View fleet - 100 spots and counting

Black Helicopters

spotted 10 minutes ago...

...driving down Chingford Avenue (London E4).

That's twice the bloody thing has got me.

PNY calls Ghostbusters to boost 2GB Flash drive sales


old age

Holy crap! Ghostbusters is 25 years old! That's made me realise what an old git I'm becoming.

I'd usually go down the pub at this point to drown my sorrows but I think I'd better get down to Boots instead to pick up some Sanatogens and Worthers Originals.

Welder in DIY penis enhancement nut mishap



Streuth Jim, Your post has given me a headache.

Grazing cattle display animal magnetism


practical modern art

If anyone here happens to own a flatbed truck, you could be the envy of your mates by being the first to install a bovine compass.

Simply plonk the cow on a giant turntable and house the cowpass in a glass enclosure, perhaps a small greenhouse.
