Forgot to mention that, Moneysavingexpert and CAG are good websites to look into for all parking problems.
Posts by trachycarpus
10 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Feb 2008
British car parks start reading number plates
I hope they have chosen a better version of the software, some only read 1st in and last out, so giving a longer parking period. Ranger know this well and some companies have been known to exploit this. The DVLA request will only give the RK details and not the drivers so the request for money (its not a fine) will go to the RK, he/she will then either disclose the drivers details or appeal. If, sorry, when the appeal fails then the RK/driver is offered an appeal through the Popla (Parking on Private Land Appeals) service which costs the ppc £27.00+vat per appeal (free to drivers)and is binding only on the ppc. The driver/RK is still free to ignore the ppc as previously and then the ppc can seek the money through the County Court system. There are many reasons why they don't do this, mainly because they (nearly)always lose.
Lego movie greenlighted by Warner Bros
BT to fibre-up another 114 exchanges
BT trying for fibre 'monopoly', claims TalkTalk chief
Apple in 873-page legal claim to word 'Pod'
Bill would let feds block pirate websites worldwide
Visa tightens rules for small sellers
BBC confirms death of 6Music, slashes online budget by a quarter
website emasculating?
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I'm more concerned about the reduction of the web site, how long will it be till the Papers get their way and remove news from it so they can charge for the content on their own site? This is what Murdoch and co are really pressing for imho.