Also in Leeds
About two weeks ago this vehicle snooped past my office building... i was gawping at the google bus like a tool... can't wait to see my stupid look in google street view!
3 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Feb 2008
Honestly... I don't care much about the Mac vs. PC debate... I use both systems both at work and at home and in my honest opinion they are entirely different entities all together...
On the security side of things; Apple have already taken steps to securing OS X Leopard; they have introduced numerous security countermeasures into the latest release, and with a little manual tweaking, you can make OS X pretty tough to crack...
looking at the root of the problem (i.e. Phorm.com) their site speaks of the OIX (Open Internet Exchange) and Webwise... and provides a link telling you how to disable Webwise:
http://www.phorm.com/about/faq.php - look under 'For Consumers'
this redirects you to the Webwise site; on the 'You can choose' page, it states whether webwise is enabled by your ISP...
This page speaks of an 'anonymous cookie' that tells the system in question to ignore your system....
I'm interested how this can be made persistent; dumping temp files would surely clear this 'anonymous cookie'??