* Posts by Ian Rathbone

4 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Feb 2008

Microsoft denies Lite-On Blu-ray rumour

Ian Rathbone

Can someone please explain

why they think they know who i am? Tis fair to say i'm a little weirded out by all this identifying.

And NO FAIL!!! What does that even mean, come on now!?

What issues? Lack of decent online play, and don't quote that "its ok cause its free" crap. PS3 online is nothing compared to XBox Live, even with downtime. Theres a lack of decent exclusive games. Theres changes in hardware specs, pulling backwards compatibility, changing of the SIXAXIS and the constant catchup to match the features of the XBox. Still crying out for the in game crossbar and voice chat? Had it since day one dude. LOL

Don't quote crap either, even if you could show me that the PS3 reached 1mill quicker in the UK, it proves nothing. Its still not doing as well wordwide!!! So its not great for them at all!

FAIL right back atcha dude! LOL!

jai you missed the point completely, i said its not about failure rates and points of the past - in the here and now its still advantage 360. Sorry, its just true. Fair enough if you're all happy with your purchase, but if you compare side by side, feature for feature - you've got a better deal with a 360.

Ian Rathbone
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I don't work in retail?

Thats interesting... I was selling things during my shift this morning to customers in gamestation.

I wonder what it is i do then?

Ian Rathbone

The 360 Failure Rate Is A Non-Issue

You can sit quoting figures all you like.

With all of my customers that have had a 360 fault, they've returned it and had it back within 2 weeks. Not one of them thought that was a bad thing, it worked well for each of them.

People understand that things go wrong, hardware breaks. So long as Microsoft do the right thing and repair the machines free of charge, people don't have an issue.

The people that seem to have an issue are PS3 owners, who are still so annoyed about their own consoles long list of issues and low acceptance rate that they feel the need to lash out at a console that has far more support and interest from the general public.

Terminator Salvation is go for May 2009 release

Ian Rathbone

Bale IS NOT Conner

He is playing a different character.

Edward furlong may well be back as Conner.