Better late than never..
But probably 15-20 years too late - Split horizon resolution is all the range these days.
1570 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Apr 2007
They tried this back in the late 90's with PGP, it didn't get very far... hell they even tried forcing all PCs to have a backdoor.
Besides, America doesn't do this alone.. Nvidia, Intel, AMD etc rely upon global sales to cover the cost of R&D... take that away, and some-one else will step into the spot, yes probably ARM or a Chinese company.. the only bug loser is the US economy and they'll no longer dominate the Tech game.
Software is only worth as much as customers are willing to pay.. as an IT Manager, if VMWare was more expensive, then we'd have rolled with other solutions - i.e. Hyper-V and Xen would have gotten a bigger slice of the pie.
These days, there are more viable alternatives, which might not have the polish and shine of vSphere.. but companies will flock to these, which will in turn feed more investment and better products.
The only 1 outcome from this, is broadcom will milk the largest clients, and that boon will only last as long as it takes those clients to migrate away, and many will... and at the same time, they're giving up their dominance of the on-premise market.
Can't afford to play? Sure, but why buy Rolls Royce, when a Kia will do..
If so, it's not for the better.
I get the spirit of OSS, but it is the likes of AWS, that have gourged themselves on a free buffet, and when you take somebody else's product, and start to compete against them, and give absolutely nothing back, i.e. giving nothing towards development and new features.. then it's understandable, it is gonna piss off the developers and they are gonna become defensive... and when AWS response each time is 2 midd
"go out and enjoy the new found SOVEREIGNTY and CONTROL"
I think that is the issue.. there is nothing to enjoy, shit started running down the stairs the day after the referendum... and since we shut the proverbial door, the shit is now so deep, we're swimming it it.
What makes it worse, its impossible to escape - we've got 2 political parties that can't move on from it, with media outlets seemingly finding a way to tie everything back to Brexit, cause its an easy way to generate clickes... and a depressed population that should be en-mass prescribed xanax.
You'd think... but no cigar, at least for a lot of IT folk.
Many companies have tried,.and all they got was deaf-ears..
Let's face it, Your IT managers and directors have all brought houses in the country or by the beach. If they're not going in, there is no chance your average Sysadmin will..
Still, trying to enforce it would be short sighted - the IT market is bouyant, so all they'd achieve is an exodus of their key staff.. cause plenty of other companies are offering flexibility.
I keep my finger on the pulse of this.
Last year there were quite a few dodgy articles, insinuating everybody had already gone back.. and whilst I don't normally wear a tin foil hat, these articles, are blatant attempts by geriatric politicians and business groups to manipulate both employees, and employers...
You just need to look at Bloomberg's speech a couple of weeks ago, im paraphrasing but 'NYC spending billions on unused offfices" - here is a thought, get rid of those premises, and save the tax-payer.
On the flip-side, in past couple of weeks, there has been a flurry of research released on this have been several very interesting studies released on. The summary is:
Whilst the CxO keep pushing for return to office. The most senior and experienced staff are not adhering, and the majority of these (70%) would walk away if they were forced.
Another paper showed that companies that allow staff to choose, have over twice as much success with recruitment and retention. In addition to be more profitable..
The Reddit Nuke extension for Chrome worked well for this, for some reason Google removed it.. but it's still been available on Edge...
When the API changes were announced, I thought it best just to have 1 last clean up, then discovered Reddit has now blocked it from working with the site.
But there are a couple of python scripts on Github that will do this... it took a few runs, but eventually all my tarnished posts have been nuked...until I post more, assuming my favourite subs come back, and the Slide for Reddit app keeps working.
But thank f*ck reality is biting.
I've had to listen to numerous CxO's of multi-billion company's drivel on about "The face of the Internet is changing, the metaverse is coming."
It's another case of businesses, listening to evangelists... where what they should be looking at, is the porn industry. If its not being used to peddle smut... then it's dead end for everything else.
Over the past 6 months, I've had the pleasure of several different consumer models, all still DC-inputs, but also had separate Thunderbolt4 and USB C ports, they charged great via the USB-C.. but Thunderbolt? huh nope, forget that.
Does make me wonder who approves or tests the final spec of these devices - Its a huge oversight, as one of the biggest uses for Thunderbolt is Docks to consolidate all the cabling.
Commenting on these posts.
This had zero to do with spying or national security as we'd see it, it's purely economical warfare.
Once Trump had harassed and bullied the "friends and allies", then finally got his way - he offered a deal to China, to soften up the restrictions on Huawei... I can't recall exactly what he wanted in return.. But the point is, the smug orange asshole used as pawns..
I've been using it for around a year, and even have a subscription, 99% of the time, the code it proposes is literally just statement-completion.. i.e. if x or z then y ... and yes, its very handy, it provides more of a shorthand than anything.
There have been 2 occasions where it has effectively proposed that is more than 1 line.. and I won't deny, this blew my mind, as one of them fair a fairly complex recursion function.. which did save me a lot of time, but likewise, I knew how to write it myself and it was word for word a standard recursion function.
But I'm not sure I will renew after this period expire, I'm extremely lazy, so the idea of CoPilot, and AWS's CodeWhisperer is amazing, but both absolutely take the piss when it comes to respecting those who built the products which form their core of their services.
"which the UK believes should not be able to overule the UK supreme court."
Yep, as we're all seeing the shit-show that is the US Supreme Court, now full right-wing religious zealots, who are putting the country back 100 years - acting as puppets for a right-wing sociopath, who admires the leaders Russia, North Korea and China, as they are "strong".
Cause that is such a great place to be.. I used to have a lot of respect for UK courts, but part of that, what their was always recourse... now, they're open to political manipulation.
Love the way this is downvoted... Yet nobody offers their differing view.
But I'd reckon its pretty much spot-on, the UK's GCHQ and other major European countries, had dedicated teams whose sole job was to tear apart Huawei kit, to look for exploits and backdoor, and not once in its 15+ years of operation did they find anything.
The sole reason they got ejected from West was, they were offering comparable products, cheaper, and the likes of Cisco, Nokia, Siemens wouldn't compete.. So they complained to the politicians.
Then Trump chucks his toys out the pram, tries to piss off the Chinese, who just ignore it, so he tries a different tactic, of threatening allies... Citing risk. To national security and infrastructure, and even to this day, not one iota of credible evidence had emerged, no smoking gun.
Then more recent cently, it came out, this was all about the money.. Its in an article somewhere, if I can find the link, I'll post it.
Several days ago a report was published called for the banning of facial recognition and biometric profiling...
Yet, all these self-sanctimonious assholes sat in Westminster, who are meant to be dealing with our own problems, they spew this bullshit, and completely ignore the fact that the same shit is now happening in this country.
MP's I suspect this site above your IQ level (quite an achievement), but if you read this... stop looking abroad for amusement, I assure, we have enough issues in the UK to do that... Now ask the Civil Service to give you dumbed down version of events, and do what your paid for!
Got to agree here.. I use VSCode as a general text editor, Python IDE, Docker IDE and K8S IDE... and I rarely ever use the command palette, it's like look for a needle in a haystack... I'd rather have a yucky tabbed ribbon bar, than I can at least put short cuts in...
And whilst hot keys are great... They also suck when you have large volumes of them!
They're getting little interest directly from DevOps teams, they will also lean to GCP and AWS as they have control over the core environment, no pesky IT, Network or Server teams to answer, and outside of that, general IT teams are yet to discover Kubernetes (it's CNCF own fault, they market it as "For Devs").
VMWare may find a small market amongst small shops and hobbyists with their community edition, but they are competing with Rancher, who pretty much own that.
VMWare could do something drastic, like give some of that NSX and security to Open Source, along with with good management tools.
That'll increase their street cred and live-in, as L3 network security is notoriously time consuming, difficult and hard to implement in K8S.. tools for these seem to keep getting hoovered up by PA and Cisco et al - I'm just waiting for them to buy Calico and Cilium, that will effectively drain the OSS offerings.
Does my head in... I've used USB to boot dozens of ESXi for 10+ years... I've never had a single problem. I even have 5 at home running ESXi 7 with zero issues!
Rather dictating they should simply ask, and suggest it has limited support. This all stems from "Two customers had problems, so we're going to screw you all over."
I may look to see if PXE is feasible... I ain't wasting any more money on storage.
I know several places this has happened... One place let go most of their network team, cause they were acquired and thought the parent company would let their network team take over - they were forced them back in ad contractors.. within a couple of months those folk went from driving banged-uo VW Golfs tand Focus's to top of the range shiny Aldo's and BMW.
What goes around comes around.
The more people will want it!
Government is missing 1 key thing here, people are sick of all the privacy scandals, being tracked and where X has been hacked and data leaked .. it's not only private or commercial website, it government as well...
So let them keep making it high profile, cause in the end, all they're is raising awareness - and as the famous saying goes, there is no such thing as bad publicity.
Honestly - His parents or carers should be held partially accountable for this. Instead, they buy a PC or laptop for the little shit(s), and as long as they're not seen or making a nuisance, everything is good - I see this all the time!
Teaching kids right from wrong, it's part of the price for dipping the wick!
As a deciple of the BoFH philosophy, I can't believe I'm about to admit to knowing this, it makes me physically queesy:
This only happens if you actually forward the database port... If both DB and Frontend are containerised, then there is zero need to do that..
So it's not a fault of docker, more a poorly configured container...
Years ago when I got made rendundant and ended up moving to London, I quickly learnt
1) When recruiters says salary is not set yet, it means the company has not set aside budget - there is no position, they are using you to reaserch the market, so walk away.
2) When you are told, salary is "flexible", it means they are offering below market rate, so walk away.
3) When companies do play games like this, it often originates from their "culture", i.e. if they are shitty to potential recruits, they will be shitty to those working there..
I only have 1 rule when talking with a company - An interview is a 2 way street, I'm also evaluating them.. so they best be prepared to disclose projects, salaries and benefits on the first call.
>> I'm struggling thinking real people would actually believe the CCP is amazing. These threads must be started by torolls. The US, Japan, Korea, are democracies, for a little bit longer hopefully anyway.
Not the case - I'm 40 and from the UK, I've been posting on El Reg for almost 20 years (You can check my history), thats a hell of a long time to be a troll.
The CCCP is not "amazing", neither is China. But then again, it's also not "dastardly evil", it's just different... a different political system, different ethics, different motivators.
In the past 5 years, I've seen the West turn China into the Bogeyman of the 21st century.. It drives me nuts that it doesn't concern others like yourself, I see politicians sleep-walking us back to the 1960-80's and living in a shitty world with another cold war... thanks, but no thanks..
I'd rather voice my opinion and call bullshit where I see it.
> No idea why people repeat CCP propaganda about China being brilliant and will overcome sanctions.
First off, there are no "sanctions" on China, you may be confusing them with Iran or Russia, or the fact there are export restrictions to some Chinese "entities". Given 50%+ of the tech in your home is either built in China, or has significant components that are built-in China.. No western government would dare for fear of pissing off their voters, since they can't get the latest and great iPhone.
Second, I take it you've never been to China? Over the past 30 years, they've gone from a third-world back-water, to challenging the US for "biggest economy".. They've effectively done what the USSR could not.. So even if the CCCP are pumping smug "we're frikkin awesome", they may have a point.
Third, you are assuming Chinese citizens want a "western way of life", sure some Chinese want "freedom of expression", but most don't give a shit, what they want is a comfortable life - Which the CCCP has delivered in droves (as mentioned in point #2)... As far as they are concerned, this is a golden-age. So why would they want to over throw?
I agree with the part about steeling and copycatting, but to be honest, thats a problem of western making - China had no concept of "owning an idea". Every company that outsourced to China is part of that problem, they saw an opportunity to improve their margins and offload costs associated with manufacturing. it was extremely shortsighted (hindsight is a wonderful thing) and now our own capacity is minuscule and the West is reliant upon them... But likewise, they are reliant upon us to buy their products....
Welcome to Globalisation!
@CheesyTheClown You've nailed the hell out of that ... 100% spot-on.
Trump was a shorted-sighted moron, by stripping away Chinese access to US licensed tech, they'll simply roll their own - The only loser here is the US, including current and future income from licensing, the political capital and bargaining power it offered.
Protectionism will work in the short-term, but once China has established manufacturing, selling kit for 30-40% the cost that Western companies offer it for, over time more and more $$$ will be heading east, rather than west..
Don't get me wrong, competition between companies is a good thing ... But competition between countries is dangerous, collaboration is far more productive and beneficial. Also much of this is China's very own doing, and they do have a "victim complex"..
There is some merit, but I'd 100% be against this, purely for philosophical reasons.
The "woke" brigade on Reddit and elsewhere deem the usage of "GIMP", "gimp" and "gimped" to be extremely offensive, and should never be used under any circumstances. I refuse to give any ammo that those sanctimonious-vegan-hippies can proclaim as "success" to prove their righteousness.
I will obviously now crawl back into my cesspit, until the next opportunity arises!
> As opposed to the traditional: turn up, rename the place, take all the stuff, kill the locals model ?
No - As opposed to "Here is a few hundred million", spend it wisely... Then only £500k makes it way to the intended use, as there are 20 middle-men skimming a few million each to cover "handling and administration costs.
Foreign Aid into places like Africa is a huge profitable business... Why do you think after the hundreds of billions the West has ploughed into Africa (via Foreign Aid and Charity) had done so little - Yet the few countries that have managed to stamp out most of the corruption, now have semi-decent economies.
I travelled around parts of the middle-east and south-east Asia over the past few years, and the Chinese were operating huge infrastructure everywhere I went, 2 particularly stood of note, a huge land-reclamation project in Sri Lanka, and also a massive extension of the airport in the Maldives (I can't wait to head back there).
The Chinese are extremely shrewd when it comes to these types of projects, rather than giving money, they provide the plans, materials and man-power - Which feeds backs into the Chinese economy, whilst leaving those countries in-debt to the CCCP... Honestly, the UK and the West in general, should learn from this model. It might not generate as many local-jobs, but at least we can control exactly how money is spent and reduce fraud.
It will be interesting to see how the Chinese try to apply influence in these type of locations in the coming years.
Frikkin Amen... lets give a "hallelujah" for brother A/C....
I mainly consider AWS the culprit, they profit the most and do the least - what an age we live in, Microsoft does more for Open Source!
Either way, all the cloud-providers are making-bank off the time, sweat and overtime of others. The companies such as Elastic who develop open-source products need support, whether this is the contribution of developers, financial donations, or purchase of commercial-support... or perhaps something else.
Between 2017-19, I worked for a huge AWS client and had access to their devs. They do occasionally feed fixes back into projects, but it's done extremely low-key, there is pressure with-in to keep distance between AWS's brand and their "SaaS" offering, and the open-source products that power them. They also have a reputation for using JIT-forking, i.e. they'd rather see the main product developer go to the wall, they then fork, and offer a modicum of support.
Its useful ... But it is extremely subjective.
For example, consider a dangerous exploit in RDP that impacts Windows 10:
1) A corporate IT team would would rate it high.
2) A SaaS service IT team, would shrug and rate it low-medium
3) A Russian IT team, would rate it as vokda or even champagne .
Its generally this way the world over at the moment, I sum it up in 3 words:
Preach - About about how everybody is hard-done by, and its not their personal responsibility
Point - The finger at somebody convenient, who can be target easily
Promise - To make naughty and nasty targets pay