* Posts by Tom Richardson

66 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Feb 2008


Handheld games console three-way shoot-out

Tom Richardson

A little misleading...

Although admittedly it's supports WEP and not WPA, the DS does actually support wireless security and I've had it working on few routers including a BT Homehub with no issues.

AT&T feeds metered internet to American gamblers

Tom Richardson


Er... I get pretty much my advertised speed, and an *actual* unlimited (i.e. NO cap) connection for a tenner on top of my Sky subscription in 'Blighty'. And as an extra added bonus, I don't have to live in America.

Speaking clock gets Disneyfied

Tom Richardson


Does anyone in the country still use the speaking clock? I can't think of a single situation where I'd need to.

Google calls on developers to polish Chrome

Tom Richardson
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... but you can roll it in glitter!

Motorola's intros non-3G BlackBerry-style smartphone

Tom Richardson

Poor old Moto...

As far as handset manufacturers go now, they're kind of the equivalent of the drunk, senile old aunty at a family party, who just sort of staggers around forgetting people's names and saying embarassing things, while everyone prays for them to wear themselves out and fall asleep in the corner.

BlackBerry Storm finally blows in

Tom Richardson

Haptic feedback

"numerous reports have claimed that the phone sports a feedback capability is in a league of its own.

For example, the feedback provided when, say, clicking an on-screen keyboard key is said to be similar to the level of feedback you’d get from a physical keyboard."

What is this supposed to mean exactly? The screen buzzes where you press it? It deforms to your touch? It clicks in a satisfying sort of way?

Has the war on terror scored a virtual victory?

Tom Richardson


Didn't take Moore's law too long to kick in on this one.

Tom Richardson


Didn't take Godwin's Law too long to kick in on this one.

Sony Ericsson eyes up Android

Tom Richardson

Dear Register...

Please please PLEASE stop referring to mobile phones as "talkers". It's intensely irritating.

love and kisses,

Me xxx

Finns develop mobe sleep-cycle alarm app

Tom Richardson

Bollocks to that.

I have to get up at 6.15 as it is - anything trying to wake me up before that may find itself being thrown across the room.

Ofcom pulls plug on wholesale broadband regulation

Tom Richardson


I'm sorry but there's no way in hell that catch-up TV services have put bandwidth use up by 40-50% PER SUSCRIBER. No way.

SMS costs more than using Hubble Space Telescope

Tom Richardson

@ stizzleswick

You are a liar. There is no digital mobile phone available that doesn't support SMS.

Nintendo Wii 'like a virus', games boss sniffs

Tom Richardson

Attachment rate...

Everyone I know with a Wii has at least 5 games for it, usually more.

Microsoft rolls out Vista SP1

Tom Richardson

Three reboots?

I only needed one.

Motorola to offload half its Birmingham staff

Tom Richardson
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No surprises

As a former Test Engineer for moto mobiles I can hardly say I'm surprised. Testers have no feedback into the design process and the designers I'm sure don't actually use their products. Lots of things that are great 'on paper' are horrible to use in practice. I've worked for a couple or carriers as well and Motorolas are pretty much a running joke in test departments these days. And yes, the Birmingham site is from the acquisition of Sendo, which was a bloody stupid move in the first place.

Software company seeks 'Senior BJ assistant'

Tom Richardson
Paris Hilton

Could be a job for these guys...


I see their trucks on the motorway regularly. The drivers always look somewhat disgruntled.

Paris cos she'd probably be fit for the job as well.
