Ah the humanity
Ah sweet merciful god Make it stop, make it stop, I’ll tell you anything, I’ll buy anything, just make the images and noise stop.
and just like the dead vulture so too is my will to live
45 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Feb 2008
Say it isn't so. Being on the receiving end of both companies, both implementations were to say the least a "fucking Disaster" I am not surprised. byAndersen in particular who had a great sales pitch, promise everything, deliver nothing
"stabilisation Phase" ah, marketing speak for we are only now reviewing all the documentation, if there is any, on the requirements and the dlivered solution to see what went wrong or who is to blame.
The judge ruled on the data to hand over not the format. The only thing Goggle need to do is provide it in a commoly used format to satisfy the court. I think 3.5" floppies are still a common medium,
Love to see viacom's collective face when a cnvoy of delivery trucks roll up to deliver the 12TB of data
I have to agree, though we had a magic carpet Though the magic carpet would always get us home nice and safe it required payment in memories. The problem was it appeared to always take the memories from the person who was lhe most inebriated and who had made the biggest fool of himself.
Ah memories,...or the lack of them, those were the days
Sorry chris but your comments have the element of common sense and as you know common sense and the law (or politicans) are mutually exclusive.
it is the unfortunate reality that politicans or other fringe elements feel it is their moral duty to impose their own ideals on others. Nothing changes. Whats the saying when the first law was made the first victims were common decency, common law and common sense
The engineers need to spend some time with the Toy designers at Tonka. My son spent the better part of 2 years runnng & smashing his toy truck against everything, including brick walls, those things are indestructible.
Alternatively the first QA test any of these things should go through is the loving attention of a 3 yr old boy.
blah, blah, blah, blah,
We have seen what other companies have come up with over the past couple of years and really like their ideas. So we are going to take those ideas and completely screw them up, Fuck up the implemtnation so badly that you'll think trained monkeys are working here (or maybe we should get trained monkeys working here to at least improve things). Charge you a fortune for it and step on the neck of any company who so much as whines about us stealing their ideas
Blah, blah, blah blah
First they plug you in to learn the next thing you know the amchines start using you as a power supply.
The only other possible scenario is that everyone is somehow linked together and the whole thing becomes self aware, We try to pull the plug the self named "sky-net" fights back.
No Way I'm stickin' to books thanks
I find many of the posters quite rigid in their thinking. unfortunately or fortunately the world is not black and white. If you create something that adds value to someone or something then yes you are entitled to be compensated for it. What many of these people fail to realise is that there will AlWAYS be an element in the community that will attempt to obtain these things for free If you have created something and do not expect an element of theft you are an idiot.
What they also fail to realise is that, as history has shown us, this element will always find a way around whatever barriers are put in place to stop them and the neverending cycle continues. The establishment whines again and louder new laws are passed, the fringe element invent new ways of circumventing them
What I and many others here are sick of is being confined to such archaic business models and practices considering the age we live in Will the establishment finally learn this, probably, but by then it will be too late. There are some out there such as Radiohead and NIN that are taking matters into their own hands and exploring new avenues. Whether these new models are the right ones time will tell. But the one thing I do know is that they should be applauded for their initiative, taking these first steps that the establishment are obviously too afraid to take
The music industry for me has the same appeal as Lamewood.
Only a little effort is required to find great music that is freely avaialble, if you wish you can send a small donation via the authors website to show them that you appreaciate the music and effort they put into making it. I find this more worthwhile then having to pay $30 or more for a CD to find out most of it is crap.
I get the distinct impression that the development of ideas for future weapons involves several cases of beer and watching the austin power movies. Next thing they will be proposing is to build a bigger version of this on the moon and calling it a "death star". Complete with an experimental Mini-me
Unfortuantely Alan is screwed, Considering the cops on this have taken 6 months, it basically means they haven't found anything of substance. Consdiering the backlash that would result in releasing him without charge they are now digging and digging deep to find some offence to charge him with to justify the original arrest
This will be their last chance otherwise the court will force the prosecution to proceed with the brief or drop all charges. Unless of course there is an unscrupolous organisation behind the scene pushing their own agenda
CCTV has been used in various parts of NSW for over 10 years. Ironically the evidence that CCTV does not work far outstrips the ability to use CCTV as evidence in a court of law.
Being on one of the first programs I was one of a group studying the effectiveness of CCTV. Does it work? Only in the extreme cases of stupidity where the offenders do not care that the cameras are there. CCTV simply pushes the locality of crime into the surrounds where CCTV is not available For all the money that is invested into these programs the returns are simply not there. Investing that money either in an increased police presence or community programs has a greater effect
Definitely shaken, not stirred
Couldn't care less 'bout her music or her drug problems. Hell My all time favourite artist died asphxiating on his own vomit after a massive drinking session
Limiting your music selection based on the artists apparent clean lviing will, I think, limit you to a couple of christen bands and William Shatners spoken word album (shiver).
is that there are too many lawyers in the world Personally the sooner we can ratify International law to enable the global culling of lawyers the better In fact substitute baby seals with law students, I'm sure greenpeace would be on board with that.
The sooner we can thin the multitudes of blood sucking ambulance chasing oxygen stealers the better off we will be
Man, this brings back memories. being an an amiga user since the first release of the 500. I stepped most of the models ending in the 3000/30. Man I wasted away most of my teenage years bashing away at the keyboard. I still think the Amiga had it right back in the 80's and in many aspects the computers are now just catching up
I still wonder what the computing world would be like today if Commodore had competent management and a different licencing structure or 3rd party developers
I am wndering what possesses the Pollie's that they think the laws they try to introduce will actually do any good in stopping the "bad" people or bad things from happening.
Gun buy-back scheme anyone. What a friggin' waste of money that was. Did the government at the time actually think those criminals with the guns would gasp with horror and tremble with fear until they handed over their ill-gotten firearms
Do they actually think that anyone would be planning any terrorist act through their work email. Come on. Anyone that would be stupid enough to be caught through these expanded laws certainly doesn't have the intelligence to be able to plan it in the first place.
Simon does keep outdoing himself on these.
After the week I've had I entertained visions of myself dragging in a roll of carpet and bag of lime to deal with the users and Management, (Management ppffttt, they couldn't manage a piss up in a brewery) I thought about using the Pinch but, considering the state of "pissed off" I'm in I'd just rip the internals out and fill it with brick so i could just swing at the head of the next manager grinning stupidly at me
Hugh Laurie would definitely have to be the BOFH he plays the BDFH so well, too well in fact.
Skull 'cause that's what I'm going to crack of the next person that hands me a job that was due last week and only just remembered to hand it over to me
Thanks Anonymous Coward I am now waiting on a replacement keyboard spraying a mouthful of coke everywhere
"...and watched it rapidly retreat."
It later indulged itself in a glass of wine and slab of cheese
Those cheese eating surrender monkeys
Considering the multitude of large out sourcing deals that have gone wrong, I am amazed that Shell has gone this way.
You couldn't be more right. being in a similar situation it is almost a licence to print money. Sure you may feel a twinge of guilt about it all, but that passes in about a nanosecond
Just when you thought it could get no worse. Along comes this.
Generations from now civilisation ( if there is one) will be pondering how we were able to survive these dark times. No not terrorism, nor the incompetence of our potilical leaders, or the greediness of the giant corporations spinning the world into economic decline. No they will be pondering how or why we apparently worshipped a person whose IQ is less then her shoe size
Sometimes I think we should just destroy civiisation as it is and let the ants have their try at glory.
Why is it this keeps coming up. Any industry IT or otherwise does not need more women in it, it needs more qualified people, Period. A company I worked for tried to impose a greater ratio of women within the IT department. The HR department went so far a making this one one of his targets to get a bonus. In the need employing female who were less wuyalified than others interviewing for the same job. It does not work.
there have been arguments that women are intimidated to enter the male dominated industry and hence the drive to try to change this. Bullshit. I think the western world is enlightened enough to realise that gender, sexual orientation or disability are irrelvant to being qualfied to do the job and do it well. In the end that is all that matters.
If a "real" bikie club had been there , like the hell's angels, Bandidos or such this would have never made the news. Well it might have but it would have been limited to how 2 unfortunates were set upon by an unknown gang and will be in hospital for the next 2 months recovering from their injuries and learning to walk again
What in the world was Lohan snorting to think she could even come close to imitating the presence (big screen or otherwise) of Monroe
After having watched a snippet of the movie and getting my stomach under control after viewing the slideshow I know now there is no god. or at least he is not a merciful one. there is no way he could allow that madness to continue
To Linsday if you are reading this, or, because as i suspect, you are an illiterate hack, you are having this read to you, take this advice.... move into porn. At least you will not be overstretching your acting abilities and I daresay you would get a bigger audience than any of your hollywood movies