Re: The first domino?
I would guess at zero days.
46 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Apr 2007
"User Impact: Users may have been unable to log in to Office 365 services.
Final status: We monitored the service and worked with some affected customers to confirm restoration. In some cases, affected users may need to restart their browser or application in order for sign-in to begin functioning properly.
Scope of impact: Customer reports indicated that many users likely experienced impact related to this event. Our analysis indicated that this issue could have potentially affected any of your users intermittently if they were routed through the affected infrastructure.
Start time: Wednesday, May 10, 2017, at 7:32 PM UTC
End time: Wednesday, May 10, 2017, at 8:12 PM UTC
Preliminary root cause: A recent change introduced a configuration issue that caused authentication for Office 365 services to become degraded.
Next steps:
- We're reviewing our monitoring services to find ways to reduce detection time and to improve our automated recovery processes.
- We're reviewing our update procedures to help catch this kind of problem during our testing cycle.
We'll publish a post-incident report within five business days."
So someone made a change and it went wrong. It happens.
Whilst this is true (I have over 1.5 litres of homebrew in the cupboard at the moment), that's not going to help the people who are unable to get homebrew supplies, are not inclined or just don't know about it. They will drift back to smoking with the massive hit to public health that entails. These evil fucks in the EU (and that backsliding little shit Soubry) should all hang their heads in shame.
Truly shocked when this piece of shit was installed after my upgrade to 50 meg.
Constantly drops wireless connections and locks up. I have turned off the wireless, DHCP is provided by my server and my old d-link router is working quite nicely now as a wireless access point.
@StooMonster there is a work around to put the IP address into the 192.168.1.x range, if I remember correctly you change the router address in advanced settings, then reboot it. This changes it. There are a couple of thread's on VM's crappy forum talking about it.
Fail for you:
"The carcinogenic properties of nicotine in standalone form, separate from tobacco smoke, have not been evaluated by the IARC, and it has not been assigned to an official carcinogen group. The currently available literature indicates that nicotine, on its own, does not promote the development of cancer in healthy tissue and has no mutagenic properties. "
I have sold some higher value items on ebay before, and the only way I would send them is using Special Delivery insured. This could be £10 for postage quite easily, which buyers were comfortable with. In fact this delivery type was the only one I would allow.
Why on earth would you send a high value item by normal postage - the buyer only has to claim its never received, you get charged back and loose the item in the process, even with proof of posting.
They can stick it, just they way they could stick their free postage bollocks
Right up until the moment I got my Bold 9000 last year. I came from an LG Viewty, and the BB was an absolute revelation.
Its sad to say, but I wouldn't want to be without the BB now, and the 9700 looks like good incremental improvements on an already fantastic mobile device.
Seems to be a lot of people here who hate BMW drivers. I presume you are all referring to the wankers (reps) in 320/520D cars who are slowly moving onto Audi's.
I drive a proper petrol big 5 series....and I can assure all of you twats who are complaining about typical BMW drivers, that the indicators all work, quite correctly every time I change lane/direction. More than can be said for the idiots driving insignificant little shitboxes at 90mph down the motorway. I watch them all kicking each other in the balls every day while I sit tucked in behind the lorries in the left hand lane and have a quiet chuckle to myself.
Oh, and the arrogant wankers who do not bother to acknowledge you when you have given way to them...just because you are driving a BMW. Cocks.
They say people with big cars have small why is it then that all the little shitboxes are the ones screaming around everywhere...clearly trying to prove something or make up for something lacking in the trouser department?
And there is no way on gods green earth he would have been able to reverse that BM back up there. People do rely on Sat Nav too much, but that looks like the sort of typical rural non classified road/track that a Sat Nav would send you along.
Personally, I write down directions, take a map and only use the Sat Nav for emergencies!
[QUOTE]As the only self proclaimed bikers in these comments also appear to believe in speeding, it is clear that 100% of bikers are speed freak knobheads and that the simplest way to reduce speeding incidents in the UK will be to ban, with immediate effect, every motorbike. I challenge anyone to dispute my statistics.[/QUOTE]
You Sir, are clearly a phallus of the worst variety. In other words, you are the knobhead.
The challenge to your statistics is that 70% of motorcycle accidents are single vehicle. EG no one elses family is affected by a biker misjudging a bend or hitting a pothole/diesel etc.
The other 30% of motorcycle accidents are caused by knobs, probably similar to youself who only spend 0.5 of a second looking to see if a road is clear before pulling out AKA "Sorry mate didn't see you"
A simple fact for you is that although many bikers exceed speed limits, very few do it in built up residential areas like all the mums on school runs, chavs, bus drivers etc and they are also a damn sight more aware of whats going on around them, unlike CAGE drivers busy fiddling with the stereo/heating controls/mobile phone/twat nav.
So what do you think of them apples?
[quote]"Gene Simmons can use his enhanced tongue to lick that spot between my sack and my a**hole."
In medical terminology, that's called the "t'isnt".
T'isnt yer sack and t'isnt yer arse"Gene Simmons can use his enhanced tongue to lick that spot between my sack and my a**hole."
In medical terminology, that's called the "t'isnt".
T'isnt yer sack and t'isnt yer arse[/quote]
I think you will find that spot is actually called a twernt.
If it twernt there your guts would fall out.
Well, the first thing I had to do was disable IPV6.
Then get the restricted ATI drivers for my card.
After that, CompizFusion started up and gave me all the eye candy.
I must say though, this is the easiest distro I have found yet. I have only really played around with linux, but I was so impressed with Ubuntu I am now running it at home instead of XP and even the wife likes it!
Well, all I can say is if the (mainly civilian) operators of speed camera's can target an object moving towards them at 172 mph and holding a consistent aiming point (which they are required to do)....then they are in the wrong job. Perhaps they should be top military snipers!
I am suprised he only managed 172 mph along that stretch though LOL
By Tony
Posted Friday 22nd June 2007 13:29 GMT
This article is obviously a plant by climate deniers.
There is scientific consensus that absolutely no good can come from global warming.
Interesting that the scientific consensus comes from a vested interest lobby group who's turnover is worth billions of pounds. Sorry I meant the UN climate change panel and its job program.
So no good can come from global warming, even though climate changes are perfectly normal occurances that have occured throughout history? It is a recognised fact that there was a "hot" period in the middle ages (warmer than now), followed by a "little" ice age that we have been recovering from in fits and starts through the 20th century. That is only in recent times that affects our living memory and well documented history.
I suggest you read the book The Chilling Stars by Svensmark and Calder (I am half way through), unless like all AGW proponents, you cannot accept the heresey against doctrine that there may be another way of explaining climate change.
And this is news?
By Stuart
Posted Friday 22nd June 2007 15:13 GMT
Not that we shouldn't all be sensible here and recycle, use our cars a little less and generally be more healthy by walking and even cycling (if you want to take the risk in a big city).
But the rash of taxes and demands for wholesale changes to lifestyle are not supported by reasoned scientific facts
Well said, and I agree Stuart. We should be doing all we can to protect our environment in terms of pollution for our children to inherit a pleasant world. But let's face it, in the industrialised world there are strick controls compared to the junk emitted during the industrial revolution and early 20th century. The same kind of poisons now being emitted by the countries trying to industrialise themselves out of poverty, ie India and China.
"Phil Christensen, a planetary scientist at Arizona State, cautions against over-extrapolating from the data, however. He told that it is unlikely that in 500 years time the Martian ice caps would be completely gone:
"They're looking at a piece of the cycle, other processes could turn this around to a place where the ice-caps start growing again. You can't take 10 years of data and extrapolate out to 1,000 years.""
Mr Christensen should tell this to his fellow earth climate scientists then....