* Posts by JEAN

6 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Feb 2008

Vatican endorses Darwin, slights intelligent design



The Vatican did not "slight" Intelligent Design. It simply said it would discuss it along with evolution at the next meeting. A discussion of Intelligent Design is really not needed, as the existence of God is a crux of the religion.

There was nothing. Then there was a Big Bang, and a universe came into existence, complete with everything needed for everything that is. DNA code has been compared to computer code, except that DNA is much more complex. This needed a Designer. To absolutely state there is no God, implies a haughty pride, unwilling to admit a superior Being.

It has been said, "The greatest sadness of man is that he is not God."

Webcast quango: One-third of UK teachers are creationists



At one time, there was nothing. Then there was a Big Bang, and a universe, complete with everything needed for everything that is, came into existence. How?

To deny there could be an intelligence responsible for this, is very unscientific.. To say in a classroom, "There are those who think there is an intelligence in the universe who created it." will not cause any harm to anyone. Except those who do not want students to believe there is moral order. To whose advantage do you suppose that is?

Radiation warning for low-energy lightbulbs


low-energy bulbs damage TV sets

My TV was affected by having a low-energy bulb across the room from the TV. The TV would go on and off by itself. My electric company informed me the radiation from the bulbs can affect the remote control gizmo on the TV set. I lost the picture and could get only the voice.

Be very careful.

Royal Society: Schools should show creationism 'respect'


Are you there, God?

Creationism means acknowledging there just might possibly be an intelligence responsible for the existence of the universe and all it contains. The seven days mentioned in the Bible simply means periods of time. Darwin's time table of evolution follows the sequence of events in Genesis. Interesting?

Cyber B52 strikes mooted as response to Chinese infowar


Chinese cyberattacks

Why can't it be true? Instead of ridiculing America, as Europeans are wont to do,

investigate to find out the truth.

Latest China scare torpedos 3Com takeover


US vetos China deal

I am writing from NYC. The United States is rightly concerned about China's gaining access to security information. It is already known that thousands of Chinese hackers are attempting every day to get military information from our government computers. When the Chinese government shot down one of their own satellites in January, 2007, they gave no warning to the world. Now they want the US government to provide details of our missile. No way, Jose.

My parents are from the UK, so hello to all of our friends there.