Re: Cara Delevingne?!? seriously?, you having a laugh?
Excuse me? You would deny Michael Shanks of Stargate and Saving Hope the role? He would be a damn fine Doctor.
How about even the gravelly voiced Ron Pearlman?
93 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Feb 2008
* Oh and by the way, none of the juror had an iPhone either: *
No, they had a foreman that got a patent for recording video from the Internet that may or not have been the shitty little application he wrote for iOS telling them 1) don't bother determining if the Apple patents are invalid and 2) I have patents, therefore we should spend less than 90 seconds on every item on the form and slap Samsung as hard as we can
Right, no one biased on the jury at all. Especially the one in charge of guiding the discussions.
Bombing, singular - Mr McVeigh used one vehicle on the building I helped remove bodies from (the Murrah building). Although he managed to cause substantial damage in the area, it was one bombing not multiple.
I think his point was that being a "Wacko" did not necessarily have to do with ones nationality (or for that matter religious or political bent).
Worst Film Ever - check
Worst Film Never done - check
BEST Worst Film, Really Really Bad Film that was so bad it's hilarious, favorite bad film you have to watch when it's on TV, i.e, cult classic, etc. Why not do that list?
Entry number one - The Barbarians
Number two - Killer Clowns From Outerspace
And - Attack of the Killer Tomatoes is the obvious one that comes to mind - let's pass on that one, be more original
Unfortunately, that would be a court martial for failure to obey a general order or regulation, article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Frequent USAF logic is the meatbag is the problem, not the equipment.
With regards to Hypoxia, aircrew in the US are required to be exposed to an Altitude Chamber and see the onset of symptoms they manifest. Rapid loss of pressure is an easy determination; colder interior, fogging , banging noises (such as when the overboard valve on the E3 I was on went fully open), losing peripheral vision, etc. The frequency of training was every 4 years when I retired. Slow leaks sneak up on you, and are more often fatal.
As a citizen of that "particular country", I would like to see all countries adopt more liberal standard for Fair Use, and shortening of copyright periods.
Maybe someone on my side of the Pond in a position to make a difference might wake up and realize they are on the wrong side of the issue. At the moment the only ones that realize it are the ones with little to no power.
Maybe you aren't familiar with the 1911A1 .45 magazine.
First - the standard magazine holds 7 rounds
Second - after market magazines with a shorter follower and different spring will allow 8 rounds, assuming one does not want to find a magazine that extends beyond the handle
Third - In the "Heat of the moment" he may have forgotten he had already chambered a round and topped off the magazine.
He might normally keep an 8 round magazine loaded with 7 rounds to reduce the wear on the springs. He intended to empty the .45 into his target - he did so until his slide locked back. The entire time his firearm was aimed in the direction of his intended action. Where is the problem with that?
The rest of your comments - I'd have to say you haven't a clue what you are speaking about with regards to gun safety, the man's temper, or the result of his punishment. A laptop is not a human. He knew that, you apparently don't