What a load of bandwagon muppets
Yes Vista is a resource hog, yes vista needs a "decent spec" but so what? get over yourself.
I have a P4 3.0ghz, 1GB of ram and piss poor graphics card yet i still run Vista because despite what i am told to belive by all the super cool techy people, who tell me you need 4GB of ram and a quad core processor, Vista does a job for me which i am happy with and to be honest despite its resource hunger it is a lot better then XP IMO.
No i don't play games on my PC thanks to my Wii and Xbox 360 but i do everything else without any issues.
Mac OSX fanboys can go look at their apple for longer if they like although lets be honest with the 25% premium you have paid for that shiny apple, you could have bought a better processor and twice the ram.
As for those who love their linux distro's, excellent! good for you, i don't need to tell you how much better you are then me because you use open source software.
Whilst the business case for upgrading to Vista may not be there, i remember it wasn't there when XP came out and it took maybe 3 years before all of our machines were "migrated" although none were really migrated as much as dumped when new ones came in with XP OEM.
XP before SP1 was crap and SP2 certainly made it the OS it is today so is it any surprise given microsoft's obvious business case to release a new OS every few years, ($$$$) that they end up releasing an OS that isn't excactly "finished" along with the fact that the hardware manufacturers have to spend a few years making drivers etc.
Now bring on the flame throwers!!