I can't wait to watch it in bed without overheating the laptop!
A story which has finally made me register!
When it comes to any of these public services I always do the 'could my mother do it' and I think this is a great step forward! I've loved the iPlayer from the start but the streaming service really marked the beginning of what could truly revolutionise the way some people watch telly. Allowing even more people to access the service in as simple a way as possible is undoubtedly a wonderful thing. To be honest I've never found a mobile device that I can imagine enjoying watching video on more that the iPhone/Touch (except maybe the PSP) so I think opening the iPlayer up to users of these devices is a great thing. I'm sure I read that the majority of mobile browsing was done using mobile Safari - surely it makes sense to open up a mobile version of the iPlayer to this market first?
The vast vast vast majority of people (so I'll respectfully ignore the Linux fanboys) don't really need to care what format the service is delivered in anyway as long as its relatively simple to use.