I think the issue is more that the plans are going to be easily available to be used on readily and cheaply available equipment.
Could you do this on a CNC mill? Absolutely. Does average Joe have the money to go buy one? Probably not. :-p
8 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Feb 2008
The Mac Mini is an awesome media centre when coupled with the right software. Unfortunately (for apple) that software is Linux and XBMC! When its configured like this it will eat any content you throw at it, including 40Mbs+ Blu-Ray content at full 1080P (with not a frame drop in sight)
This Dell is a good attempt but for anyone running XBMC its a non starter as there is no H/W acceleration in XBMC on Windows unless you use external players (which is a pain to configure)
oh dear oh dear....
having been to Dubai (not Dubia - learn to spell) 4 times now I can safely say that immigration there is considerably more friendly than when entering the US.
Also, calling the UAE a 'regime' is a sure fire sign of someone ignorant and uneducated. Pick up a book, read some history, learn the politics and something about the culture before you pass judgment in such a stupid fashion. The UAE and Dubai in particular has a health and education system that makes the UK look positively middle ages.
Besides, people are wrongly arrested the world over, but when its in a Middle East 'regime' (hint - read the sarcasm) it suddenly becomes headline news and the work of evil oppressors!
As for Groverider, the guy is obviously an idiot. What he deos in the way of recreational drug use is his own business, but if he is stupid enough to travel to a country with very strict drug laws without checking his pockets first he deserves all he gets. He should count himself lucky it wasn't Singapore or it would have been 15-20 years in prison.