watch all the wrong people get caught
If they can do this to detect potential "air rage" then why not use it to weed out potential trouble makers in sport stadiums? haha easy cos it will never work.
4 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Feb 2008
Well I remember from the other article about the xbox getting the RRoD caught on the BBC. What's his face said that 16% (and seems like he's right about this number) was good. Well it seems that according this article SquareTrade doesn't see it as good!
LOL anyways we all know that those stupid extended warranties are only profitable when nothing happens. But it seems like its costing them a lot.
Oh well.. what I'd like to see is a comparison between the xbox, playstation and nintendo consoles. Just to see over all how much difference is between microsoft and the others. If it's not so large then OK .. but if the difference is huge.. then microsoft is, in the words of Steve Jobs from the Triumph of the Nerds documentary, "giving us 3rd rate products."
I remember those arguments, but they were never about console reliability. It was mainly over which had the better games.
Nowdays it is over reliability, ever since microsoft joined the market mind you. At first it was the argument between PCs, Play Station, Nintendo, and Dreamcast, which ones had better games and the PC was always attacked for being unreliable cos it was prone ot crashing and viruses.
Now dreamcast flew and xbox landed.... somehow PCs dissapeared from the argument and it's all about XBox needing be to be replaced most of the time. Also we all know what happened to the PS2s and their powercord problem but to me.. that's just a power cord. Here xbox just seems to be the problem.
It's fun to blab about this. And funny when people can't take a sense of humor.
It's always been microsoft's strategy to sell a quickly put-together piece of entertainment and sell it as quickly as possible and then make another one (which is what the first one should have been) and boast on the improvements over the first.
No!! lol .. the new xbox shouldn't be about how it doesn't crash and burn like the old one! It's supposed to be about having newer and cooler things.
It's the difference between saying "Hey I got the new xbox.. it's supposed to have a lower rate of failure than the old one" and "hey the new PS3 has this new feature that the PS2 never had"
Get the idea there... plus the sega megadrive never had these problems :)