Which Market is Apple trying to target?
I'm really getting confused about the market Apple is trying to target these days.
Creatives? So if you do photographic/Film work you need lots of memory! But you can't go beyond 16GB.
If you want to be creative on the move and use all of that processing power, your battery won't last with such a thin device.
Any creative I know is very particular about desk appearance/tidyness, yet no Apple docking station, so you have endless adapters clogging up desk space that can easily fall out when working. And you probably have a number of external devices. Cameras/Screen Calibration devices/Tablets/Scanners, etc
Remember when Apple released the Dustbin MacPro with two Graphics cards? Where was the 5K monitor to go with it. They released the iMac with a 5K Monitor at the same time.
Business users? Well at this price point, strained corporate budgets will not stretch to these prices, and do you want to risk the chance of loosing that VGA/HDMI adapter before you turn up to a customer site?
Apple need to refresh MacOS to make it tough friendly and catch up with convertibles, consider who actually uses a MacBook Pro.
Alas they have become the B&O/Bose of the IT world when it comes to computers. Form over function!
MS have really managed to out Apple Apple with the new Surface range. (regardless what you thing of Windows 10)