* Posts by Alex Simmons

5 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Nov 2008

Microsoft 'yanked optical drive from Xbox 720'

Alex Simmons
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Re: Uh huh?

Yes your right for point of sale to the end user, wholesale the costs are a lot less and then I am sure if you put in an order for +30 million you wouldn't pay no more than $5 each for a 32GB SD.

So SD seams like a good idea, back to the days of cartridge, with almost no load times.

Lovefilm knocks a pound off streaming sub

Alex Simmons
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Good by Love film...

Just moved my subscription from love film to Netflix. Love films xbox streaming is very poor, not even half the choice of there website.

So I now have Love film for the pay as you go disks and Netflix for the streaming.

Small biz demands some relief from Darling

Alex Simmons
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VAT change is going to cost more than it saves

Changing the vat on every signle computer system in the country, i dont see how this could save businesses that are already struggling money??

Even for the companies who dont have a computer system to change the repricing of every item in the shop is going to be costly and take time. My guess is most compaies wont pass the cost saving on to customers as it will cost them more to implenet a 2.5% saving than the extra business that reducing a tin of beens by 2p is going to make.

Group Test: Blu-ray Disc players

Alex Simmons

Blu-Ray = Expensive

@Stu The cost of Blu-Ray per disk manufactured is much higher than DVD, because you cant use the same techniology not make both disks.

In order to make Blu-Ray you need to invest and build a Blu-Ray facility costsing rather a lot a DVD planet cant be changed inorder to make Blu-Ray disks.

That is why the price is so much higher.

Formula One kinetic energy recovery rigs debut

Alex Simmons

KERS = Boots button

For those that done know the whole point of this is to store energy underbreaking then release it back to the diver when he pushes a button. Think nitro boot on an arcade game.

So far testing has shown a fully charged system to boost engine power by about 80HP for 6.5 second.

But the system comes in at almost 30KG and teams will be able to run with or without the system.