* Posts by Bill

6 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Feb 2008

BBC Click paid cybercrooks to buy botnet


In the event it did go to court...

...does anyone honestly believe a jury would convict?

Funny thing about juries - they have a disturbing habit of accepting public interest defences even if there isn't a provision for one in the statute.

BBC zombie caper slammed by security pros


"...would they break into someone's car without their knowledge & drive it away?"

Yes, they would. In fact on "The Real Hustle" they have.

Virgin Media to dump neutrality and target BitTorrent users


So let's just check I've got this right:

Currently, on Virgin Media, if you're downloading a torrent in the background whilst browsing the net you get a slow connection on everything, as you have your bandwidth throttled.

Soon, if you're downloading a torrent in the background whilst browsing the net, only the torrent get's a slow connection and you can potter about at full speed for everything else.

And this is a bad thing?

Beeb to resurrect Reggie Perrin


The Beeb can't re-run the original

They don't own the original series. It was an ITV show.

Why you should care that Jimmy Wales ignores reality


At least H2G2.com has "Don't Panic" on the front page...

It also predates and is slightly more reliable than wikipedia if less comprehensive. That's why I always despair when some bigwig from the beeb rambles on about having their own wikipedia...

'Suspicious comment' provokes LAX terminal evacuation


Just remember the Foreign Office advice:


Do not make flippant remarks about bombs or terrorism, especially when passing through US airports."