* Posts by Robert Feldman

3 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Feb 2008

Heidemarie 'Toolbag' Piper set for second spacewalk

Robert Feldman
Paris Hilton


"I'm sure we'll find him spinning a web"

Rather unlikely, as only female spiders spin webs.

Why would someone toss $1.35m at Wikipedia?

Robert Feldman

Wiki boss 'edited for donation'

I'm surprised you folks missed the story in the BBC last week about Wales accepting a donation in exchange for editing a bio: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/7291382.stm. The story starts out:

"Wiki boss 'edited for donation'

Wikipedia creator Jimmy Wales has been accused of agreeing to edit a page on the online encyclopaedia in exchange for a donation.

Former Novell chief scientist Jeffrey Merkey says he donated $5,000 to the Wikimedia Foundation in exchange for changes to his Wikipedia entry."

Man takes old iPhone box, builds film camera

Robert Feldman

1/2 Gigapixel camera

You are wrong in saying"despite the obvious lack of any megapixels." BW film has a resolution of about 200 lines per mm, which translates to about 100 megapixels for each square inch, or about 500 megapixels for the iHole's 120 film.