Re: Range is not the issue!
Where I live your 200 mile daily drive would take me between 10-15 hours. When do you get time to work or sleep?
178 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Feb 2008
Seen it all before, heard it all before in the 1980's. AI hardware didn't happen then, it will not happen now. AI got a recent boost from the Deep Learning idea and collecting training data on the internet. What it can now do (which is impressive) will now plateau until the next new technique in 40 years time.
I live in France and for some strange reason the French think that the English are experts at drinking tea. I have to explain to them that you only get 3 types of tea in in the UK and any taste that these might produce is washed out by the milk put in them. In France most large and small towns have specialist tea shops where you have a choice of 50 to 100 teas. Compared to every other nation in the world, I have to admit, the English know nothing about tea.
I used to work as a Field Application Engineer for a large silicon chip supplier. Working in the pressure of the sales office it was common to have a big boss explode because of a customer issue that could only be caused by incompetence on the part of someone. My job would to resolve the problems during which I never once detected any incompetence, just intelligent people making good decisions based of the information they had available to them.
I bet that at the end of the inquiry no one is found to be at fault.
I remember how fixing the bug used up a large proportion of software developers at the time making it impossible to find anyone to employ. I was working for an American company at the time who closed our R&D office because they kept getting zero replies to adverts in the national press. The Horizon program was developed at the end of the 90's and the bugs in it appear to be due to a lack of skilled programmers. I wondet if the Post Office scandel is a result of the Y2K bug.
I have a big neural network in my head that has absorbed all the books that I have read. If that neural network produces a book, then one can be certain that book will contain influences from all the books I have read. Does that mean that authors should pay royalties to all the authors of every book they have ever read?
When neural nets became popular in the 80's they quickly hit a wall due to the limits of technology and data collection. Then the idea of deep learning came along, massively speeding up learning and the internet helping with data collection for some applications. The stuff you can do with them now is great. The question is when will this step in technology hit a wall again.
Yes, his predecessors did, just you were not listening. The Vatican is one of the institutions that is the most informed on science. They have came a long way since Galileo. Numerous discoveries and leaps in science have been made by scientists within the Catholic church (priests and monks). One way to study God is to study his creation, science is one of the means to do that.
It isn't the government who decide to link the electricity price to gas, it is the market. We need electricity generated by gas as it can react rapidly to fluctuations in load. Hence we need to buy electricity at the price that gas allows. Competition from other sources will not bring down the gas price, hence the price for electricity is determined by the price of gas.
Auvoirdepois has nothing to do with pounds, shillings and pence. Precious metals are measure using the Troy system that has 20 ounces to the pound. That is why a pound of gold weighs more than a pound of feathers. 1GBP was originally worth a pound of gold hence 20 shillings to the pound.
In Europe, individual states legislated on abortion. Many people are against abortion but recognise the democratic legislative process. That did not happen in the USA, Roe-Wade was a judicial coup that claimed the Constitution gave abortion rights in a text that never mentions abortion and was written to give legal rights to people of colour. Ever since abortion and politics have been mixed up because of this.
This has now been reset and has returned back to the 1970's where it is up to the USA to correctly legislate on this issue in the same way as the vast majority of democratic countries have done.
You can add the climate emergency to the mass hysteria list. A new world science based on computer models programmed for free by post grads who know nothing about computer science using data that has to be massaged before it can be used. Any form of conclusion relies on data 100s of years old (short-term changes are meaningless) most of which does not exist and must be filtered and modified for "good" data - so much for controlled experiments.
Before the climate crisis no one was interested in climate science now 18 year olds want to study it in order to save the world. So most of these scientists who are filtering data and creating the computer models are climate change believers on a crusade to save the earth.
All you need to add is the population on mass simply repeating what everyone else is saying and calling that "understanding science" and some grown men crying because a penguin doesn't have to suffer as cold a winter as usual and you have all the ingredients of mass hysteria
Very few people seem to understand just how much energy there is in a litre of petrol. There is 36MJ, in a petrol station you pump about 1/2 litre per second into your tank. That is a power of 18MW! It is okay to rely on science to solve issues in the future but you are wasting your time if you are relying on magic.
The callosal energy production requirement could be met in the future with nuclear fusion. However the electricity transfer issue will require magic. Forget batteries, the future is hydrogen powered cars.
However you look at battery cars on mass isni going to happen. The energy on a litre if petrol is too big to replace with electricity. To produce the electricity needed we will need nuclear fusion, will happen one day. Burt the problem is the distribution and energy transfer to the car, the only way I can see to solve this is to use hydrogen.
In the Austrian case the pedestrian is definitely at fault. Until recently Navya has a bus operating where I work in Le Défense near Paris. The busses are painfully slow. On the rare occasion that you see someone inside one they appear trapped, regretting ever entering it as everyone else walks past them.
It is only at the end of the article that it is stated that the radiographers and AI results are the same when all previous scans are used. I'm not surprised by this. The neural network cannot be better than the training data and the training data relies in part on the radiographers analysis (I can imagine it is easy to create a record of radiographers false positives, but a record of false negatives would be more difficult).
"Religions started that 2000 years ago". What a ridiculous statement. Firstly, why should all religions suddenly start doing this 2000 years ago? Secondly, religions do not actually do anything, they are abstract concepts. It is people who put fear in other people, they may try to abuse the concepts of different religions to manipulate people for there own ends, however all ideologies and objects are vunerable to this type of manipulation why pick on religion?
"politicians pull off these days". Are you really so naive as to believe that there was ever a time when humans didn't do this?
Like the UK you get what you pay for. The difference is most companies heavily subsidise a canteen (small companies share one), those that don't provide luncheon vouchers. It is very rare that people buy sandwiches, generally only if they are in a hurry (this is often considered badly by colleagues as the purpose of lunch is to share time with them) If you were eating sandwiches for lunch everyday in Paris there is a problem somewhere.
You English people are nuts, you are so used to being scr*wed you bend over at every opportunity. Here in Paris my company has two different sites, both with subsidised canteens (about £2 or £3 for a three-course meal). When we go to the other site (a 30 minute drive away) we put the lunch on expenses. This is considered normal in France, no one would consider paying for their own lunch when traveling and no one would ever consider buying a sandwich ????
"corporations will pay for private security within their own networks."
Like I said, the internet is dead, long live private networks. Today the internet only works because nearly everything connected to it is based on a small number of regulary updated OSs. IoT will kill this. I've spent 10 years trying to sell security to IoT companies. Most end customers will not spend a penny for security and don't give a s**t about security and privacy (if they did you would not be reading this on your Android phone). The automobile comparison is a false one. It involves protection against known knowns, it is economically viable for devices that cost 15000+€ not 15€ and a country can control nearly all devices connected to its road network (try stopping a rogue IoT device in another country connecting to your countries network)