You could save your £8 (if you complain about paying £8 to go see a film, you evidently should be spending your money on something else), do something else with your 2 hours like take a walk, see 3 dimensional people and interact with them (I'm sorry but anyone who says sitting in a large room staring silently at a screen, in the dark for6a couple of hours is socialising, is sorely mistaken).
You could then donate your £8 to worthwhile cause, perhaps Warchild, therefore helping the people who's lives are actually affected by war, rather than going to watch Sly attempt to "raise awareness of the trauma of war" (his words not mine), but not actually achieve anything, other than add another million to his pension fund.
On a lighter note, I watched Quantum Leap for the first time in years (Ironic considering it was when Jumper came out and Dr Sam Beckett was in Vietnam). Now, if that is not the greatest TV theme tune of all time, I don't know what is!!! Forget you A-team, MacGyver and Airwolf. God was a TV theme tune writer, the day that music ot written.
Mines the Anorak with Ziggy in the pocket, can you hear it beeping???