* Posts by Ron Loftin

9 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Feb 2008

Web browser makers line up battleships

Ron Loftin
Jobs Horns


The answer to your first question is an unqualified, unambiguous, "YES !!!", for sure.

The answer to your second question is an emphatic, "HELL, YES !!!", no matter how the spinmeisters try to sugarcoat it.

Microsoft fans call for Opera boycott

Ron Loftin
Dead Vulture

Here's a heretical concept

In amongst all the flames and knee-jerk reaction, I suggest that in all future articles on this subject, the Register staff should include links to download a selection of browsers. For this list, I suggest Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, and Safari. ( Before anyone gets excited about the order of these suggestions, I will point out that they are listed here in alphabetical order, NOT any other preference. )

For those who say "WHY?" I will answer that this lets El Reg track and publish the cost in money and time of providing this information to the "ordinary users" that will now have to exercise otherwise-unused brain cells in order to make a choice. My working hypothesis is that this cost will be in the range of reasonable to minimal.

If nothing else, this may inject some FACTS into the debate. Hence, the heresy.

BOFH: Stick this

Ron Loftin
IT Angle

Carrots ??

Perhaps some alternatives to the carrot should be considered, targeting the (l)user involved.

Perhaps bananas, for the monkey types who insist on "monkeying" with their config ??

Or maybe some grass, for the sheeple.

Microsoft's Google challenger is not a search engine

Ron Loftin

My $0.02

I expect that MS Bing will turn out to be the 21st century equivalent of MS Bob.

And, yes, I'm a penguinista.

Boy band sings praises of Windows 7

Ron Loftin

Now I know why ...

it's such a good thing to have the Flashblock plugin for FireFox installed.

A giant-sized "Thank You" for the warnings from previous posters. Thanks to you, I don't have to spend the rest of the day looking for the most effective method for a cranial enema to get that video out of my head, since I didn't actually watch it.

Microsoft ga ga over Goo-Hoo! deal

Ron Loftin
Jobs Horns

Of course M$ is upset

Key points:

"limit choices"

“destroy a competitive alternative"

"what amounts to a price-fixing agreement"

"hamstring competition"

"consolidate more than 90 per cent of the [...] market"

These are all mainstays of Micro$not's business practices, and are not to be performed by anyone else.

Besuited cubicle monkey trashes office

Ron Loftin
Jobs Horns

Missing the real point

Seems to me that this is most likely the video part of a job application to be Ballmer's stand-in.

Reg readers split on Vista readiness

Ron Loftin

Hazardous material here

By that, I mean that the material in this article may be considered hazardous to the revenue stream of good ol' M$ -- especially the subheading "Think for yourself".

After all, that's EXACTLY what the Billy and Steve show does NOT want their customers to do.

Microhoo! or YahSoft!? The! people! must! decide!

Ron Loftin
IT Angle

Glad my choice is winning

I like the "MicroHoo!" option because it helps us move towards the day when we can say "Micro Who?" out loud.